The world is watching to see who the U.S. elects this November: leaders who will actively protect human rights or leaders who will actively deny them. Join us.

Take action

Advancing human rights in the United States has a ripple effect around the globe. 

The leaders we elect this year will either strengthen or weaken human rights protections, which will have effects that last for decades to come. If we don’t act now, we will be left fighting to regain them for years to come. 

AIUSA’s Human Rights Platform

We, human rights voters and supporters, ask candidates and elected officials to advance a better future for all by embracing a Human Rights Platform.

Read our Platform

Here’s What’s at Stake This November

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(Scott Langley Photography)

Human Rights for All, globally

The U.S. must center human rights in its foreign policy and make sure that U.S. support does not enable abuses of human rights or humanitarian law. 

(Lauren Murphy/Amnesty International USA)

Ending gun violence

Protecting our human rights means keeping communities safe from gun violence.

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(Lauren Murphy/Amnesty International USA)

Access to abortion

We need local, state, and federal laws that ensure access to abortion and full bodily autonomy now. 

Refugees Welcome march London 17th September 2016
(Marie-Anne Ventoura/ Amnesty International)

The rights of refugees, migrants, and asylum seekers

The US must adopt policies and practices that protect the human rights and dignity of those seeking safety. 

Black Lives Matter demonstration in Vienna, June 2020
(Christopher Glanzl/Amnesty International Austria)

Transformative Racial Justice

Protecting human rights means ensuring that all people can live with respect and dignity, regardless of their race. 

(Amnesty International USA)

Climate Justice

The climate emergency is a crisis of unprecedented proportions. The U.S. must quickly commit to transitioning to green energy in a way that respects human rights. 

(Amnesty International USA)

Right to protest and freedom of expression

We must protect human rights protest movements as they face repression and backlash due to the rise of authoritarian leaders around the world. 

(Amnesty International USA)

A dignified life for all

Everyone should have access to food, clothing, housing, and medical care, and the right to security in the event of unforeseen life events.

Frequently asked questions

Elections, including critically the 2024 U.S. elections, are crucial in advancing – or backtracking on – human rights, both at home and around the world. That’s why we, human rights voters and supporters, are asking all candidates and elected officials to advance a better future for all by embracing AIUSA’s Human Rights Platform. We are asking voters to get to know AIUSA’s Human Rights Platform and advocate for human rights in the national conversation happening around the elections. 

The stakes are incredibly high. There is so much on the line while human rights defenders, prisoners of conscience, and protest movements for human rights around the world are facing repression and backlash from governments and non-state actors alike, including due to the rise of authoritarian leaders. We must lean in to make sure human rights and our right to protect our human rights are guaranteed. 

AIUSA is a nonpartisan organization that does not support or oppose any political candidate or party. All donations to AIUSA support our work across the world – from helping our research teams expose hidden human rights abuses, to funding vital activism and campaigns so that we can challenge those in power.Â