Governance Committee

View profiles of the AIUSA Governance Committee members.

The Governance Committee is responsible for ongoing review and recommendations to enhance the quality of the Board of Directors.



Penelope Halkiadakis

Penelope Halkiadakis

Board Vice Chair
Penelope Halkiadakis (she/her) is a dual degree MD/MPH candidate, studying…
Phyllis Pautrat, LCSW

Phyl Pautrat

Phyllis Pautrat is a licensed clinical social worker who worked…
Christopher T. Foley

Christopher T. Foley

Christopher T. Foley, an enrolled citizen of the Cherokee Nation,…

Ira Lefton

Chief Legal and Policy Officer
Ira Lefton is the Chief Legal and Policy Officer at…

Rasha Abdel Latif

Board Member
Rasha is a catalyst for change and is driven by…
Robyn Linde

Robyn Linde

Board Member
Robyn is a professor of political science and the director…