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Press Release

Syrian refugee women in Lebanon face heightened risk of exploitation and sexual harassment

Shortfalls in international assistance and discriminatory policies imposed by the Lebanese authorities are creating conditions that facilitate the exploitation and…

February 1, 2016


Sheet of paper Report

‘I Want a Safe Place’: Refugee Women from Syria Uprooted and Unprotected in Lebanon

Shortfalls in international assistance and discriminatory policies imposed by the Lebanese authorities are creating conditions that facilitate the exploitation and…

February 1, 2016

Press Release

Forcible return of more than 100 refugees to Syria from Lebanon a shocking setback

More than 100 Syrian refugees have been forcibly returned to Syria by the Lebanese authorities today, Amnesty International has learned.…

January 8, 2016

Press Release

Syria: Russia’s shameful failure to acknowledge civilian killings

Russian air strikes in Syria have killed hundreds of civilians and caused massive destruction in residential areas, striking homes, a…

December 22, 2015

Press Release

Five years after the tragedy that sparked an uprising, human rights remain at risk in Tunisia and beyond

Five years since fruit-seller Mohamed Bouazizi sparked wide-ranging protests in Tunisia and the wider region after setting himself alight in…

December 17, 2015

Press Release

Risk of humanitarian disaster in Jordan as 12,000 refugees from Syria stranded in ‘no man’s land’

Jordan must take immediate action to assist up to 12,000 refugees who have been denied entry to the country and…

December 9, 2015

Press Release

Syria: Duma Four activists – abducted at gunpoint – missing but not forgotten

The continued plight of four prominent human rights activists, known collectively as the Duma Four, abducted at gunpoint two years…

December 7, 2015

Press Release

Islamic State Atrocities Fueled by Decades of Reckless Arms Trading

Decades of poorly regulated arms flows into Iraq as well lax controls on the ground have provided the armed group…

December 4, 2015

Press Release

Syria: Fears for life of free expression advocate

Bassel Khartabil, a defender of freedom expression being held in conditions amounting to enforced disappearance may be facing a death…

November 20, 2015

Press Release

G20 Summit: Rich countries must pull a U-turn on shameful refugee response

The world’s wealthiest countries must end their shocking inaction and begin to lead a coordinated response to the spiralling global…

November 13, 2015

Press Release

Syria: State profits from crimes against humanity as policy of enforced disappearances drives black market

The vast scale and chillingly orchestrated nature of tens of thousands of enforced disappearances by the Syrian government over the…

November 4, 2015

Press Release

U.S. ally’s razing of villages in Syria amounts to war crimes

A fact-finding mission to northern Syria has uncovered a wave of forced displacement and home demolitions amounting to war crimes…

October 12, 2015