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Press Release

Shell faces Dutch court for Niger Delta oil damage

The oil giant Shell could be exposed to a raft of compensation claims and be forced to disclose previously withheld…

December 15, 2015

Press Release

Five years of human rights failure shames FIFA and Qatar

Labor exploitation remains rampant in Qatar as the authorities fail to deliver significant reforms, Amnesty International said today before the…

December 1, 2015

Press Release

Myanmar: Letpadaung mine protesters still denied justice

Myanmar’s government stands accused of putting profits before human rights at the Letpadaung copper mine, with continued detention of activists…

November 27, 2015

Press Release

Niger Delta: Shell’s manifestly false claims about oil pollution exposed, again

Claims by oil giant Shell that it has cleaned up heavily polluted areas of the Niger Delta are blatantly false,…

November 2, 2015

Press Release

USA must listen to the United Nations and lift economic embargo on Cuba

A UN vote to lift the US embargo on Cuba today sends, once again, a strong message to US President…

October 27, 2015

Press Release

Court Should Overturn Decision Limiting Corporate Transparency

Citing First Amendment, court limited government’s ability to require corporate disclosures and ignored positive impact of conflict minerals rule

October 2, 2015

Press Release

Companies Must Not Profit From Blood Diamonds in the Central African Republic

The Central African Republic’s (CAR) biggest traders have purchased diamonds worth several million dollars without adequately investigating whether they financed…

September 29, 2015

Press Release

UAE denies entry to Amnesty International expert

The United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) refusal to allow an Amnesty International expert to enter the country last night to speak…

May 27, 2015

Press Release

Nearly 80% of Surveyed US Companies Fail to Meet Requirements of Conflict Minerals Law

Nearly 80 per cent of U.S. public companies analyzed by human rights groups are failing to adequately check and disclose…

April 21, 2015

Sheet of paper Report

Digging for Transparency: How U.S. Companies are Only Scratching the Surface of Conflict Minerals Reporting

Nearly 80 per cent of U.S. public companies analyzed by human rights groups are failing to adequately check and disclose…

April 21, 2015

Press Release

Amnesty International and John Legend Launch Write for Rights Campaign

Amnesty International today released a new video from award winning artist John Legend as part of its Write for Rights…

November 18, 2014

Press Release

India: Victory for Bhopal gas leak survivors as government promises additional compensation

India’s government has today agreed to increase a multi-million dollar compensation claim against Union Carbide over the 1984 gas leak…

November 14, 2014