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Press Release

AIUSA Calls Russian Court’s Decision to Not Release Pussy Riot’s Alyokhina “Disappointing”

Nearly a year after punk rock protest group Pussy Riot's performance at Christ the Savior Cathedral, a Russian prison court…

January 16, 2013

Press Release

Sexually Abused Girl Should Be Protected, Not Punished

The charges of “fornication” against a 15-year-old girl in Maldives, who there is strong reason to believe was raped by…

January 8, 2013

Press Release

Russian Parliamentarians Must Reject a Bill that Would Have a Chilling Effect on Human Rights Defenders

Russian parliamentarians must reject ‘Dima Yakovlev’ Bill, Which Would Introduce Severe Restrictions on Non-Governmental Organizations and Ban Adoption of Russian…

December 20, 2012

Press Release

Amnesty International Hails U.N. Resolution Against Female Genital Mutilation

Amnesty International today hailed adoption by the United Nations General Assembly of a resolution against female genital mutilation.

December 20, 2012

Press Release

Two Cambodian Women Campaigning Against Forced Evictions Must Be Released

Two women human rights defenders facing lengthy prison sentences in Cambodia on trumped-up charges must be freed immediately, Amnesty International…

December 19, 2012

Press Release

Acquittal of Congolese Armed Group Leader Should Strengthen Demands for Justice in DRC

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has acquitted Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui, who had been charged with war crimes and crimes against…

December 18, 2012

Press Release

Afghan Women and Girls Security Promotion Act of 2012 Will Help Ensure the Protection of Afghan Women

Amnesty International USA today applauded introduction of bi-partisan legislation in the United States Senate that would help ensure the protection…

November 29, 2012

Press Release

Victims of Killings, Rape and Torture in Timor-Leste Deserve Justice

Perpetrators of killings and other human rights abuses during the Indonesian occupation of Timor-Leste must not be allowed to go…

November 12, 2012

Press Release

Chinese Authorities Must Release Women’s Rights Activist Mao Hengfeng

The Chinese authorities must immediately release prominent women’s rights activist, Mao Hengfeng, who has been sentenced to one and a…

November 6, 2012

Press Release

Human Rights must be at the Forefront of Third and Final Presidential Debate

Grave abuses of human rights fuel or underpin many of the foreign policy challenges that will be the focus of…

October 19, 2012

Press Release

Afghan Girl Beheaded for Refusing to Enter Prostitution Highlights Violent Atmosphere in the Region

Suzanne Nossel, Amnesty International USA executive director, issued the following statement in response to news reports that a young Afghan…

October 17, 2012


Sheet of paper Report

Hidden from Justice: Impunity for Conflict-related Sexual Violence in Colombia

Amnesty returns to Colombia to ensure the rights of women and girls in Colombia to freedom from violence and to…

October 4, 2012