News & Blog

AI France staff membres protesting the arrest and detention of AI Turkey director Idil Eser and AI Turkey chairman Taner Kiliç at the Turkish embassy in Paris on 10 July 2017.

Press Release

Turkish court releases Amnesty Chair after nearly 8 months in jail

Following a decision by a court in Istanbul to conditionally release the Chair of Amnesty International Turkey, Taner Kılıç, after…

January 31, 2018

Aktion zum "Internationalen Tag gegen das Verschwindenlassen" am 29082014 in Berlin. ( © Henning Schacht Leuthener Str. 1 - D 10829 Berlin - phone (+49) 0177 6443393 )

Sheet of paper Report

Deadly but Preventable Attacks: Killings and Enforced Disappearances of Those who Defend Human Rights

States around the world are failing in their duty to effectively protect people who defend human rights, leading to an…

December 4, 2017

Press Release

Turkey: Global figures join call to “end gross injustice” as trial of Amnesty Chair and Director and other rights activists resumes

More than 70 renowned cultural and political figures have come together to demand that Turkish authorities drop trumped-up terrorism charges against 11…

November 22, 2017

AI France staff membres protesting the arrest and detention of AI Turkey director Idil Eser and AI Turkey chairman Taner Kiliç at the Turkish embassy in Paris on 10 July 2017.

Press Release

Court decision to keep Amnesty Turkey Chair in jail flies in the face of reason

Responding to today’s decision by the Istanbul Court to continue the pre-trial detention of Amnesty International’s Turkey Chair, Taner Kılıç,…

November 22, 2017

A general view shows the Israeli settlement of Tal Rumeida (R) surrounded by Palestinian houses in the West Bank city of Hebron on February 1, 2017. / AFP / HAZEM BADER (Photo credit should read HAZEM BADER/AFP/Getty Images)

Press Release

Israel denies entry to Amnesty International USA staff member

Israel’s decision to deny an Amnesty International USA staff member entry to the occupied West Bank, apparently as retaliation against…

October 31, 2017

Chair of Amnesty International Turkey Taner Kılıç

Press Release

Amnesty Turkey Chair kept in jail one day after 10 other human rights defenders conditionally released

Following a decision by an Izmir court not to release human rights defender, Taner Kılıç, Salil Shetty, Amnesty International’s Secretary…

October 26, 2017

AI France staff membres protesting the arrest and detention of AI Turkey director Idil Eser and AI Turkey chairman Taner Kiliç at the Turkish embassy in Paris on 10 July 2017.

Press Release

Turkish court releases human rights defenders including Amnesty International’s Turkey Director

Following a decision by a court in Istanbul to conditionally release eight human rights defenders while their trial continues, Salil…

October 25, 2017

Press Release

Iran: Arrest of human rights defender seeking truth about disappeared family members

The Iranian authorities must immediately and unconditionally release a human rights defender arrested from her home last night, who has…

September 11, 2017

Opposition activists shout slogans while members of the National Orchestra System hold a demonstration in rejection of the recent deaths of young people by security forces -within opposition protests- in Caracas on May 7, 2017. The last death in Venezuela's unrest, of a 22-year-old man, occurred during looting in Valencia, one of Venezuelan cities hardest hit by a worsening economic crisis. Demonstrators blame Maduro for the country's plight and the shortages of food and medicine, and demand elections to remove the leftist president. / AFP PHOTO / JUAN BARRETO (Photo credit should read JUAN BARRETO/AFP/Getty Images)

Press Release

Venezuela at breaking point as opposition leaders seized from homes

The seizure of two opposition leaders in Caracas late last night is a telling sign that the Maduro administration is…

August 1, 2017

Sheet of paper Report

Iran vilifies human rights defenders as ‘enemies of the state’

Iran’s judicial and security bodies have waged a vicious crackdown against human rights defenders since Hassan Rouhani became president in…

August 1, 2017

Press Release

Amnesty International Urges EU Officials to Raise Issue of Detained Human Rights Defenders with Turkish minister

While members and activists demonstrated outside, Amnesty International’s Secretary General, Salil Shetty, met with the European Commission’s High Representative for…

July 25, 2017