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Press Release

Egypt Slaps Al Jazeera English Journalists With Terrorism Charges

The Egyptian authorities must immediately drop the charges against three journalists from Al Jazeera English who were referred to trial.

January 29, 2014

Press Release

Bahraini Authorities Must Investigate Death of Young Detainee

The Bahraini authorities must immediately investigate the death in custody of a 19-year-old man who was shot in the head…

January 27, 2014

Press Release

Pakistan Sentences Mentally Ill Man to Death for Blasphemy

Mohammad Asghar, a U.K. citizen living in Pakistan, was first arrested in 2010 after allegedly sending letters to various officials…

January 24, 2014

Press Release

Russia’s Release of Platon Lebedev is Welcome, But It Falls Short of Justice

As the start of the Sochi Olympics approaches, the Russian authorities have decided to release another prisoner of conscience in…

January 23, 2014

Press Release

USA Must Close Guantánamo and End Human Rights Hypocrisy

The continued operation of the U.S. detention camp at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, is a prime example of the USA’s double…

January 22, 2014

Press Release

Amnesty International Coalition Demands Resolution to “Worst Humanitarian Crisis of Our Time”

The current situation is unacceptable and defies the basic norms of a civilized world.

January 22, 2014

Press Release

Syria Peace Conference Must Act on Allegations of ‘Industrial-Scale’ Torture and Killings in Custody

World leaders at the Geneva II peace conference on Syria must demand full access to investigate allegations that 11,000 people…

January 21, 2014

Press Release

Pussy Riot Members to Appear at Amnesty Human Rights Concert at Barclays Center on Feb. 5

Members of the Russian art collective Pussy Riot will participate in Amnesty International's landmark Bringing Human Rights Home concert at…

January 21, 2014

Press Release

Amnesty International Calls on President Obama to Put Human Rights at the Center of Surveillance Reform

President Obama should ensure that US surveillance, both inside and outside US territory, complies with the right to privacy as…

January 9, 2014

Press Release

Amnesty International Announces Human Rights Concert for New Generation

Amnesty International's iconic Human Rights Concert series will return February 5 with a Bringing Human Rights Home concert at the…

January 8, 2014

Press Release

Amnesty International Calls on President Obama: Stop Evading Accountability for Potentially Unlawful Drone Killings

In an open letter to President Obama today, Amnesty International said that the White House should publicly commit to investigating…

January 7, 2014

Press Release

U.S. Must Reject Legal Threat to Lifesaving Conflict Minerals Rule

U.S. corporate interests must not be allowed to invalidate the Conflict Minerals Rule, which requires companies to investigate and disclose…

January 6, 2014