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Press Release

Historic recognition of same-sex relationships in Greece

The Greek Parliament’s vote to extend civil unions to same-sex couples is an historic and important step in the right…

December 22, 2015

Press Release

Northern Ireland: Time for Change as Abortion Law Declared Breach of Human Rights

Amnesty International has called for an urgent change in abortion law in Northern Ireland after a judgment by Belfast’s High…

December 16, 2015

Press Release

Women from the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland Had almost 25,000 Abortions in England and Wales over the Last Five Years

New data shows that almost 25,000 women from across Ireland, north and south, travelled to have abortions in England and…

December 14, 2015

Press Release

Tunisia: Sentencing of six men for same-sex relations highlights state’s entrenched homophobia

The jailing of six Tunisian men sentenced to three years in prison for sodomy is a shocking example of deep-rooted…

December 14, 2015

Press Release

Dominican Republic takes women’s rights back to 1884

The Dominican Republic has taken a drastic step backwards for women’s human rights as the Constitutional Court struck down reforms…

December 3, 2015

Press Release

Northern Ireland: High Court Challenge on Same-Sex Marriage Welcomed

Ahead of a legal challenge in Belfast’s High Court tomorrow (Thursday), Amnesty International has reiterated its call for Northern Ireland…

December 2, 2015

Press Release

El Salvador’s total abortion ban sentences children and families to trauma and poverty

El Salvador’s extreme anti-abortion law is having a devastating effect on the lives of scores of children whose mothers, having…

November 30, 2015

Press Release

Northern Ireland: Amnesty Welcomes Landmark Court Decision on Abortion Law

Amnesty International has welcomed today’s Belfast High Court decision in a Judicial Review case which found that laws governing abortion…

November 30, 2015

Press Release

Cyprus: Marriage equality campaigners celebrate hard-won victory on civil unions

The Cypriot Parliament’s recognition of the right to same-sex civil unions is an important first step towards eradicating discrimination and…

November 27, 2015

Press Release

Tunisia: Rapists given a way out while their victims are blamed and punished

Loopholes in Tunisia’s laws are granting perpetrators of rape, sexual assault and physical violence a way out while their victims…

November 25, 2015

Press Release

Chile: Urgent progress needed on right to decide after young woman arrested for a clandestine abortion

The arrest of a 22-year-old woman in Temuco for “consensual abortion” is yet another sign that the Chilean authorities have…

November 13, 2015

Press Release

Pregnant schoolgirls in Sierra Leone excluded from school and banned from exams

Thousands of pregnant girls, excluded from mainstream schools and barred from sitting upcoming exams, risk being left behind as Sierra…

November 6, 2015