News & Blog


Amnesty Statement to HFAC: EU Governments are Complicit in Refugee Suffering

Since 2016, European governments implemented a series of measures designed to shut down the Mediterranean Sea routes used by refugees,…

April 25, 2018

Migrants seeking for asylum in the United States await near the US-Mexico border at El Chaparral crossing in Tijuana, Mexico on May 7, 2017. (Photo by GUILLERMO ARIAS/AFP/Getty Images)

Press Release

Americas: US and Mexican authorities must respect caravan participants’ right to seek asylum

US and Mexican authorities must stop demonizing participants of the caravan from Central America and respect their fundamental right to…

April 24, 2018

An Afghan asylum-seeker looking out from his flat in Istanbul. Afghans live in the Vefa neighborhood of Istanbul, Turkey. They make a living searching for plastic, metal, cardboard or other materials that they can sell.

Press Release

Turkey: Thousands of Afghans swept up in ruthless deportation drive

At least 2,000 Afghans who fled to Turkey to escape conflict and the worst excesses of the Taliban are in…

April 24, 2018

Press Release

France: New bill fails to address challenges faced by migrants and asylum seekers

Responding to the passing of an asylum and immigration bill that will tighten asylum rules, Cécile Coudriou, President of Amnesty…

April 23, 2018

Press Release

US Citizen Detained in Iraq Must Have Fair Trial, Not Be Sent to Third Country

Rather than be sent to a third country where he may face torture, a U.S. citizen held in for seven…

April 19, 2018

Press Release

Case of Iraqi Man Cleared for Travel But Stranded in Danger Shows Cruelty of Trump’s Refugee Ban

The situation faced by an Iraqi man stranded in Egypt and in danger for his life despite being cleared to…

April 18, 2018

Venezuela Protestors

Press Release

Americas: Summit leaders must prioritize solving grave human rights challenges

Regional leaders must prioritize the protection of human rights in their final declaration at the VIII Summit of the Americas…

April 11, 2018

Press Release

Hungary: “We will continue to resist the rollback of human rights”

In the wake of the apparent victory of President Orban's party, Fidesz, in Hungary’s general election, Amnesty International’s Europe Director,…

April 8, 2018

Rohingya refugees from Myanmar's Rakhine state arrive near the Khanchon border crossing near the Bangaldeshi town of Teknaf on Septebmer 5, 2017. Nearly 125,000 mostly Rohingya refugees have entered Bangladesh since a fresh upsurge of violence in Myanmar on August 25, the United Nations said September 5, as fears grow of a humanitarian crisis in the overstretched camps. The UN said 123,600 had crossed the border in the past 11 days from Myanmar's violence-wracked Rakhine state. / AFP PHOTO / K M Asad (Photo credit should read K M ASAD/AFP/Getty Images)

Press Release

Bangladesh: Rohingya refugees returns must be safe, voluntary and dignified

Amnesty International called on the government of Bangladesh to uphold its commitment that Rohingya refugees are only returned in conditions…

April 5, 2018

Press Release

University of Vermont Passes “Refugees Welcome” Resolution

The University of Vermont Student Government Association passed a resolution last night declaring the school to be a “Refugees Welcome”…

March 21, 2018