News & Blog

No Ban No Wall protest at Grand Central Terminal

Press Release

Discriminatory Muslim Ban Again Defeated in Court

Following a ruling by the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals blocking President Trump’s revised Muslim ban, Margaret Huang, executive director…

May 25, 2017

Press Release

South Sudan: Arms embargo, sanctions fail at UN Security Council

The United Nations Security Council’s failure to approve a 23 December, 2016, resolution that would have imposed an arms embargo…

December 23, 2016

Sheet of paper Report

We did not believe we would survive: Killings, rape and looting in Juba

South Sudanese government forces are responsible for deliberately killing civilians, raping women and girls and looting property in July in…

October 24, 2016

Press Release

Sudan: International chemical weapons investigation urgently needed into horrific Jebel Marra attacks

Member states of the international body responsible for monitoring the use of chemical weapons must trigger an investigation into the…

October 11, 2016

Press Release

Digital volunteers to expose Darfur human rights violations in ‘revolutionary’ crowdsourcing project

Amnesty International is building a network of digital volunteers to help uncover human rights violations and abuses in the conflict-ravaged…

October 7, 2016

Press Release

Sudan: UN Security Council must act over reported use of chemical weapons in Darfur

The UN Security Council must take action over the conflict in Darfur, Amnesty International, after the Sudanese government rejected evidence…

September 29, 2016


Sheet of paper Report

Scorched Earth, Poisoned Air: Sudanese Government Forces Ravage Jebel Marra, Darfur

An Amnesty International investigation has gathered horrific evidence of the repeated use of what are believed to be chemical weapons…

September 26, 2016

Press Release

Sudan: No Justice for Protester Killings

UN Should Press Sudan to Investigate, Prosecute Those Responsible Sudanese authorities have yet to provide justice to victims of a…

September 22, 2016

Press Release

South Sudan: One year since peace deal, justice still elusive for victims

Renewed violence underscores the urgency of bringing to account those responsible for crimes under international law committed during South Sudan’s…

August 16, 2016

Press Release

Sudanese President Al-Bashir must be arrested in Uganda and surrendered to the ICC

Uganda must immediately arrest Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir and hand him over to the International Criminal Court (ICC), said Amnesty…

May 12, 2016

Press Release

Sudan: Government must investigate brutal killing of 18-year-old university student by intelligence agents 

The brutal killing of an 18-year-old Sudanese university student by intelligence agents yesterday must be urgently and impartially investigated, Amnesty…

April 20, 2016

Press Release

South Africa: Supreme Court ruling shows there can be no impunity for alleged war criminals

“The Supreme Court of Appeal’s ruling today upholds the rule of law and reinforces the country’s progressive laws aimed at…

March 15, 2016