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Press Release

USA: Authorities must stop criminalizing humanitarian aid

The U.S. Department of Justice should immediately drop all criminal charges against humanitarian volunteer Dr. Scott Warren, and stop criminalizing…

May 21, 2019

Press Release

Statement Responding to Death of 16-Year-Old After Detention at Border

Responding to news reports of the death of a Guatemalan 16-year-old after being taken into custody of a Customs and…

May 20, 2019

Press Release

Vermont Passes “Refugees Welcome” Resolution

The Vermont House of Representatives voted to approve a resolution declaring that refugees are welcome in their state. The unanimous…

May 17, 2019

Press Release

Statement Responding to Toddler’s Death After Detention at Border

Responding to news reports of the death of a Guatemalan toddler who fell ill after being taken into custody at…

May 16, 2019

Press Release

Remain in Mexico Plan Must Not Stand

Reacting to news that the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has halted the district court’s injunction of the Remain in…

May 7, 2019


Press Release

Ahead of Defense Department Reporting Deadline, Amnesty USA Calls for Accountability for Global Civilian Deaths

Ahead of the May 1 deadline for the United States Department of Defense to report back to Congress on civilian casualties from US…

April 29, 2019

Amnesty International protestors demonstrate outside of the White House in Washington, DC, on March 22, 2013. The protestors were urging President Obama to support a bulletproof Arms Trade Treaty. AFP PHOTO/NICOLE SAKIN (Photo credit should read NICOLE SAKIN/AFP/Getty Images)

Press Release

The Trump Administration Dangerously Weakens Arms Sales Protections

Reacting to reports that the US may withdraw its signature from the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), Adotei Akwei, the Deputy Director…

April 26, 2019

Press Release

Unprecedented investigation reveals US-led Coalition killed more than 1,600 civilians in Raqqa ‘death trap’

The US-led military Coalition must end almost two years of denial about the massive civilian death toll and destruction it…

April 25, 2019

Press Release

Attorney General Announcement on Asylum-Seekers is Heartless and Cruel

Following the Attorney General’s announcement that those who pass the initial credible fear test for seeking asylum will not be…

April 16, 2019

Press Release

Transgender Military Ban is “A Shameful Step Backward”

In response to President Trump’s transgender military ban going into effect, Tarah Demant, director of the gender, sexualtity, and identity…

April 12, 2019

Press Release

After observing asylum hearings, Amnesty International calls to stop illegal pushbacks of asylum seekers to Mexico

The US government must immediately halt its illegal pushbacks of thousands of asylum seekers at the border with Mexico and…

April 11, 2019

Press Release

Julian Assange must not be extradited to the US

Following the announcement of Julian Assange’s arrest, and request for extradition to the United States, Massimo Moratti, Amnesty International’s Deputy Director…

April 11, 2019