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Press Release

Militia Rule Strangling Human Rights in Libya, Threatening Progress of Humanitarian Revolution

Ongoing serious human rights violations are casting a huge shadow over the Libya's first national elections since the fall of…

July 3, 2012

Press Release

Amnesty International Cautiously Welcomes Release of Some Political Prisoners, but Continues to Call on Myanmar to Stop Brutalizing its Ethnic Minorities

Following the release of a group of political prisoners from Insein prison, the human rights organization demands Myanmar release all…

July 3, 2012

Press Release

Attack on TV Station in Syria Condemned as U.N. Finds Worsening Violence

Journalists and staff killed today during an attack on a pro-government TV station in Syria should not have been targeted…

June 27, 2012

Press Release

Sudanese Authorities Must End ‘Ruthless Crackdown’ on Protesters and Journalists

Amnesty International said today Sudanese authorities must end their ruthless crackdown on protests and harassment of journalists.

June 22, 2012

Press Release

Reports of Helicopter Shipments to Syria Strengthen Need for International Arms Embargo

The Syrian army's increased use of helicopters is putting civilians at even greater risk and further strengthens the case for…

June 19, 2012

Press Release

Artists and Activists from Across the World Come Together to Honor Human Rights Champion Aung San Suu Kyi

For many long, hard years, Aung San Suu Kyi's dream of freedom seemed distant and unachievable. Tonight, on stage in…

June 18, 2012

Press Release

Saudi Arabia Ramps up Clampdown on Human Rights Activists

A number of key Saudi Arabian human rights activists have been put on trial, signalling a growing crackdown on their…

June 18, 2012

Press Release

Egypt Must Cancel ‘Dangerous’ New Powers Given to Military

The Justice Ministry's decision to extend the military's power to arrest and investigate civilians paves the way for fresh human…

June 14, 2012

Press Release

Azerbaijan Retaliates Against Eurovision Democracy Activists

The arrest of a 23 year-old Azerbaijan photojournalist signals the start of a troubling, yet widely predicted, crackdown on those…

June 13, 2012

Press Release

Iran: Immediately Release Imprisoned Human Rights Defenders

Iranian authorities must unconditionally release a founding member of the Center for Human Rights Defenders (CHRD), an organization co-founded by…

June 13, 2012

Press Release

Mexico Must Free Indigenous Activists Jailed on Trumped-Up Charges

Indigenous activists José Ramón Aniceto Gómez and Pascual Agustín Cruz are victims of a justice system that often discriminates against…

June 13, 2012

Press Release

China Must Investigate Death, Protect Relatives and Friends of Veteran Dissident

In an open letter to the Chinese government, Amnesty calls for an independent investigation into the cause and circumstances surrounding…

June 13, 2012