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Press Release

Justice Department Must Investigate Policing of Standing Rock Demonstrations

Based on information gathered by four Amnesty International USA human rights observer delegations and reports from the area, AIUSA has…

November 30, 2016

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Deeply Concerned About Human Rights Implications of Sessions’ Nomination as Attorney General

President-elect Donald Trump’s announcement that he intends to nominate Senator Jeff Sessions to serve as U.S. Attorney General raises serious questions and…

November 18, 2016

Press Release

Police Must Respect the Right to Peaceful Protest After Army Announces Delay of Dakota Pipeline Construction

Following the Army Corps of Engineers’ announcement that construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline will be delayed pending further analysis,…

November 15, 2016

Press Release

Poisonous Rhetoric Must Not Become Government Policy

In response to the election of Donald Trump to the United States presidency, Amnesty International released the following statements.

November 15, 2016

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Hosts Second Annual Arts for Rights Event

Art for Amnesty, an Amnesty International USA program using the power of art, music, and culture to support human rights…

November 14, 2016

Press Release

Amnesty International USA to Monitor to North Dakota Pipeline Protests

As tensions escalate at the site of a disputed pipeline close to the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota,…

October 28, 2016

Press Release

Transfer of Guantánamo Detainee Slahi Long Overdue

Mohamedou Ould Slahi, who has been held in the Guantanamo detention camp without charge or trial since 2002, has been…

October 17, 2016

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Launches Campaign on President Obama’s Last 100 Days

Amnesty International USA (AIUSA) is launching a new campaign calling on President Obama to prioritize human rights during his last…

October 11, 2016

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Launches Annual Write for Rights Campaign

Together, we can secure justice for people whose human rights are under threat, Amnesty International USA said today as it…

October 5, 2016

Press Release

Chelsea Manning Punishment for Suicide Attempt is Cruel and Inhumane

A prison disciplinary board has sentenced Chelsea Manning, who is currently serving a 35-year sentence at the United States Penitentiary…

September 23, 2016

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Calls for Concrete Action on Refugee Crisis

In response to today’s adoption of the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants at the UN Summit for Refugees…

September 19, 2016

Press Release

Leaving Edward Snowden in limbo will be a stain on President Obama’s legacy

U.S. President Barack Obama should place himself on the right side of history by pardoning whistleblower Edward Snowden, who faces…

September 14, 2016