News & Blog


Everybody Got a Hungry Heart

India has lately become known for its high tech, call center, Bollywood movie and car industries.  It draws the likes…

April 6, 2010


Mapping CIA Black Sites

AGM Countdown: In the run up to Amnesty International's Annual General Meeting in New Orleans this weekend, the Science for…

April 5, 2010


Why the Health Reform Law Fails to Meet Human Rights Standards

Originally posted to Huffington Post Amidst the celebrations of a 'historical moment,' a healthy dose of realism seems in order…

April 2, 2010


Vote for the Power of Words!

You may remember last year when YouTube premiered our animated video "The Power of Words" on its homepage with an…

April 2, 2010


Gaza Blockade: Amnesty International Delivers 23,000 Signatures to Clinton

Today, we delivered a petition to Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, asking her to urge the Israeli government to lift…

April 2, 2010


We'll Make Them Disappear

“If you don’t have enough evidence to charge someone criminally but you think he’s illegal, we [ICE] can make him…

April 2, 2010


Less than human rights is not an option for people with disabilities

What comes to mind when you hear the word “disability?”  Wheelchairs, canes, Seeing Eye Dogs, handicapped signs, mental illness, deafness……

April 1, 2010


Saudi Arabia Set to Execute Soothsayer for Sorcery

‘Ali Hussain Sibat was sentenced to death by a court in Madina in November 2009 after secret court hearings where…

April 1, 2010


The Lindsay Lohan Chronicles

For you, the gentle reader, I plumb the depths of the internet looking for content to inform, entertain, and perhaps…

April 1, 2010


Southern Africa To Be One Country

I was very excited to read today that ten countries in southern Africa decided to join forces, eliminate borders and…

April 1, 2010


Haitian Disaster to US Detention

UPDATE:  The U.S. freed the 30 Haitian detainees from immigrant detention facilities tonight after they spent about two months behind…

April 1, 2010


College students read last words of the executed

A couple of days ago, we revealed staggering statistics about countries utilizing capital punishment. Our newest report Death Sentences and…

April 1, 2010