News & Blog


Unite for Human Rights in Iran on February 11th

Iranian authorities have committed horrific abuses in the aftermath of the disputed presidential elections last June. Several months later, human…

February 5, 2010


A real chance for accountability for private security contractors

At the end of December, the human rights movement had some disappointing news. Federal Judge Ricardo Urbina dismissed the charges…

February 5, 2010


The Road Not Taken

More disappointing news emerged on Monday for those who believe that US law and professional ethics should actually mean something.…

February 4, 2010


Protection for women a top foreign policy priority

Originally posted on By Sen. John F. Kerry, Rep. Bill Delahunt, Kerry Kennedy & Larry Cox Rita Mahato, a…

February 4, 2010


Finality v. Fairness

Henry "Hank" Skinner is scheduled for execution in Texas on February 24.  A two-part review of the case was recently…

February 4, 2010


Human Rights on Several Fronts in Israel/PNA

At a time of significant international interest in the region, Amnesty International hopes that it will lead to a renewed…

February 3, 2010


Resolving Zimbabwe's Farm Crisis is Not Black & White

Thousands of news articles, scholarly articles and panel discussions debate Zimbabwe's land reform program. Almost without fail, stark lines are drawn…

February 2, 2010


Healing Hearts, Raising Spirits in Zimbabwe

Everyone has been blessed in their life with at least one strong, female role model that showed grace under pressure, kindness when facing…

February 2, 2010


Giving Life, Risking Death in Burkina Faso

Safiatou (not her real name), 26 years old, married her cousin Hamidou when she was 14. They lived in a…

January 28, 2010


Howard Zinn – a gift to the movement

Today we are deeply saddened by the news of historian and political activist Howard Zinn's death. William Cordery, Senior Development…

January 28, 2010


Palestinian Nonviolent Resistance Has Strong Roots

Remarks made by Bono , New York Times columnist Nicholas D. Kristof and President Barack Obama stating they hoped Palestinians…

January 28, 2010


Death at Camp Delta

On the evening of June 9, 2006, three inmates of the Guantanamo detention facility known as Camp Delta, Salah Ahmed…

January 27, 2010