News & Blog


Get everyone on YouTube talking about human rights!

Today, we're premiering our video homage to supporters who help spread human rights stories far and wide! YouTube is featuring…

December 27, 2009


Local activists targeted in occupied Palestinian territories

Abdallah Abu Rahme is affable and articulate.  Last July, when I called to set up a time to talk before one of the weekly protests…

December 23, 2009


Southern Africa Year in Review 2009

As 2009 winds down, here's a wrap up of the year's highlights from the southern Africa region. From elections, to…

December 22, 2009


UN Report Echoes NGO Analysis of September Massacre in Guinea

Yesterday, a United Nations panel, commissioned in October to investigate the September 28th massacre in Guinea, released their report on what…

December 22, 2009


Sex in India (or, how I worried a little less about Section 377)

OK, I admit that this post is not really about sex, but about gender identity and sexuality.  But, while you're here,…

December 21, 2009


Iranian authorities latest attempt to squash dissent backfires yet again

The latest crude and ham-fisted attempt made by the Iranian government to stifle the legitimate expressions of dissent by its…

December 21, 2009


How is the US currently upholding the human rights treaties to which it is a party of?

This week, on December 15, 2009, the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Human Rights and the Law held the first ever…

December 18, 2009


On International Migrants Day Act to Restore Due Process in Detention and Deportation!

The White House has publicly committed to reforming the current immigration system, which permits arbitrary detention and deportation in violation…

December 18, 2009


A Year of Seismic Significance in Iran

As 2009 draws to a close we marvel at the extraordinary—and what is sure to be remembered as pivotal—year in…

December 18, 2009


Congress Moves on the 2009 Tribal Law and Order Act

On Thursday, December 10th, the House Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security held a hearing to discuss the Tribal…

December 18, 2009


Musicians Shine a Light on Human Rights

It's amazing the power that music has to inspire people to stand up for what they believe in.  And it’s…

December 17, 2009


CEDAW's 30th Birthday: The Present That the President Should Give

30 years ago tomorrow, December 18, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Treaty for the Rights of Women --…

December 17, 2009