News & Blog


Mozambique Rocks the Vote

Mozambique goes to the polls tomorrow in its fourth general election since independence from Portugal in 1975. Parliamentary control and the Presidency are up…

October 27, 2009


Human Rights Flashpoints – October 27, 2009

Zimbabwe - Political Standoff Continues The situation remains tense in Zimbabwe after Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai temporarily withdrew from the…

October 27, 2009


Docs Won’t Help Ohio Kill

Ohio's botched and failed execution of Romell Broom, which has led to the postponement of all the Buckeye State's execution…

October 26, 2009


Who Really Killed Brad Will?

This week is the anniversary of the death of Brad Will, a US video journalist who was shot and killed…

October 26, 2009


Beyond the Market: Health Care as a Civil or Human Right?

A dramatic disconnect between principles and policies has hampered current U.S. health care reform efforts. This became obvious when candidate…

October 23, 2009


Why is the Iranian government so afraid of Kian Tajbakhsh?

Why is the Iranian government so afraid of Kian Tajbakhsh? To all appearances, the 47-year-old Iranian-American is a mild-mannered social…

October 23, 2009


U.S. State Department Releases Sri Lanka War Crimes Report

The U.S. Department of State‘s Office of War Crimes Issues released its investigation into the final stage of the conflict…

October 22, 2009


Police Chiefs to Death Penalty: Drop Dead

The Death Penalty Information Center released a new study today on the high costs, and lack of real benefits, associated…

October 20, 2009


Human Rights Flashpoints – October 20, 2009

What's Up This Week: Afghanistan: Elections Run-Off Angola: Humanitarian Crisis Upcoming This Week Afghanistan Elections – Take Two On Sunday,…

October 20, 2009


Angola and DRC Shoving Match Leaves Citizens With Bruises

So it basically goes like this: Angola starts to kick out Congolese citizens living in Angola, almost 18,000 since July. The…

October 16, 2009


A Pardon 94 Years Too Late

Wednesday, Oct. 14, radio host Tom Joyner became the first person to obtain a posthumous pardon for unjust executions in…

October 16, 2009


Irene Khan on Poverty and Human Rights on Democracy Now!

Amnesty International Secretary General Irene Khan was on Democracy Now! this morning discussing her new book, The Unheard Truth: Poverty…

October 16, 2009