News & Blog


An Enduring Double Standard

Earlier this month a three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Attorney General John Ashcroft…

October 1, 2009


Darfur Refugees Raped in Chad Camps

A new Amnesty International report draws a shocking picture of the fate of women and girls who fled the violence…

September 30, 2009


Human Rights Flashpoints – September 29, 2009

What's Up This Week: Crackdown in China Food Crisis in Africa Upcoming Dates China: Crackdown in Preparation for 60th Anniversary…

September 29, 2009


All Charges Against Zimbabwe POC Jestina Mukoko Dropped

Today the Zimbabwe Supreme Court ruled in favor of the motion brought by Jestina Mukoko's lawyer that all charges against…

September 29, 2009


Myanmar releases over 115 political prisoners

Big news. According to our latest count, the Myanmar government has granted amnesty to at least 126 political prisoners, including…

September 29, 2009


More From Sierra Leone

Gouri has wrapped up her on-the-ground reporting from Sierra Leone -- but the Amnesty International caravan is still campaigning for the…

September 29, 2009


Troy Davis gets visitors in Georgia: Peachy with a side of Keane

By Laura Moye, Death Penalty Abolition Campaign Director This is just a quick note from Savannah, Georgia, where I am…

September 28, 2009


Mugabe Says Things in Zimbabwe are Just Fabulous

President Robert Mugabe granted an interview to CNN reporter Christiane Amanpour today - his first interview with a Western news…

September 25, 2009


Torture of U.S. Citizen is First Test for New U.S. Policy Towards Burma

Shortly after U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced a shift in U.S. policy towards the oppressive military regime in…

September 25, 2009


Facing the Crisis of Maternal Mortality

Gouri is in Sierra Leone this week to get a first-hand perspective of how maternal mortality affects the women and…

September 24, 2009


Sri Lanka: time to end irregular detention

Mostly I've been blogging about the internally displaced civilians who are being held in internment camps in northern Sri Lanka. …

September 24, 2009


We called for an end to maternal mortality, the crowd went wild

Gouri is in Sierra Leone this week to get a first-hand perspective of how maternal mortality affects the women and…

September 23, 2009