News & Blog


Indigenous Mother of Six Released from Prison in Mexico

Prisoner of conscience Jacinta Francisco Marcial, a mother of six who was falsely accused in 2006 of kidnapping six federal…

September 17, 2009


Goldstone report findings support Amnesty's own field investigations

Amnesty International said yesterday that the recommendations of the United Nations Human Rights Council's fact-finding mission on the Gaza conflict, if implemented,…

September 16, 2009


Iran, Ohio, and the Question of Executing the Same Person Twice

In Iran, in January of this year, a man being stoned to death for adultery managed to survive his ordeal…

September 16, 2009


Sri Lanka: Time for action by the UN

The UN Human Rights Council started its twelfth regular session in Geneva today.  I'm hoping that this time, unlike last…

September 15, 2009


Research mission to Chad uncovers heartbreak from broken homes

This posting is part of our Forced Evictions in Africa Series. Amnesty International researchers just completed a research mission to…

September 15, 2009


Human Rights Flashpoint – September 15, 2009

AFGHANISTAN - Election Recount The United Nations Electoral Complaints Commission has ordered a recount of about 10 percent of votes…

September 15, 2009


U.S. Homicide Rates and the Death Penalty

The FBI’s annual crime report – Crime in the United States, 2008 – which was released Monday reveals that, like…

September 15, 2009


Angola Releases POC Fernando Lelo

Journalist Fernando Lelo was released from prison on August 21st. Lelo spent nearly 2 years in prison, convicted by the Cabinda…

September 14, 2009


Sri Lanka: when will displaced civilians be released?

If you're interested in getting an update on the displaced civilians held in internment camps in northern Sri Lanka, I'd highly…

September 12, 2009


Documenting Housing Demolitions for Dummies

This posting is part of our Forced Evictions in Africa Series. A few days ago we published a new report…

September 11, 2009


Film makers, Actors, and Activists Protest Toronto Film Fest For Tel Aviv Spotlight

The 2009 Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) has received a lot of attention this week after over 50 film makers,…

September 10, 2009


Shia Muslims Still Face Inequality in Saudi Arabia

A new report by Human Rights Watch, entitled "Denied Dignity", outlines how Shia Muslims of Saudi Arabia struggle against “systematic discrimination”. …

September 10, 2009