News & Blog


Iranian Human Rights Lawyer Free on Bail, Still At Risk

After spending one week at in Evin prison in Tehran, Mohammad Mostafaei -- the attorney famous for defending juvenile offenders…

July 6, 2009


If You Can't Quit Them, Then Regulate Military Contractors

By Lillian Tan, Corporate Action Network Intern Their operations are vast and war zone contractors are likely here to stay,…

July 3, 2009


The Wanton Destruction of Gaza

A new Amnesty International report about the recent conflict in Gaza concludes that Israel wantonly destroyed civilian infrastructure in Gaza,…

July 2, 2009


Obama Embracing Bush Legacy

The Obama administration is reportedly close to finalizing the outlines of a new preventative detention regime likely to be crafted…

July 1, 2009


Iranian Journalists Detained in Unknown Location since June

UPDATE: 22 OF 25 IRANIAN NEWSPAPER STAFFERS FREED The Committee to Protest Journalists published a statement today that said 22…

June 30, 2009


Crisis in Honduras…Obama and Chavez agree?

Unrest in Honduras flared today as protesters spared with police over the recent exile of President Manuel Zelaya. Zelaya was…

June 30, 2009


Human Rights / Death Penalty Lawyer Arrested in Iran

In the midst of all of the political and social turmoil in Iran right now, activist and lawyer Mohammad Mostafaei…

June 30, 2009


Israeli Naval Force Blocks Humanitarian Aid from Entering Gaza

The Israeli navy intercepted, boarded, and took control of a Greek cargo ship carrying foreign peace activists, including former US…

June 30, 2009


Israel Offers a Temporary Settlement Freeze

Israeli senior officials yesterday said that Israel is open to a 3-6 month complete settlement freeze (including natural growth) in…

June 29, 2009


Troy Davis Decision: No Decision

Today, on its last day of work before summer vacation, the U.S. Supreme Court postponed its review of Troy Anthony…

June 29, 2009


Fight Poverty by Protecting Human Rights

(Originally published on the Boston Globe) On the evening of Sept. 18, 2007, six men broke into the home of…

June 26, 2009


Call Obama on Torture Day

Today, June 26, is the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. In establishing the day in 1998, then…

June 26, 2009