News & Blog


Act Now for Iran!

Iran has not seen a public demonstration of this size in 3 decades. After the results of Friday's contested election,…

June 17, 2009


History in the Making in Iran

We are glued to news coming out of Iran, literally watching as history is unfolding. Commentators have been grasping for…

June 17, 2009


Solidarity (and Suspension) on the Soccer Field

June 19 Update: Any soccer players that were seen wearing the green wristbands have been suspended for "government interference". The…

June 17, 2009


Ibrahim Yazdi Detained in Tehran

Ibrahim Yazdi, the Secretary General of the Freedom Movement of Iran political party, was just arrested at 3 PM today…

June 17, 2009


Obama Speaks Up About Iran

Kudos to President Obama for breaking his long silence on the Iranian election violence that has been raging since Saturday.…

June 16, 2009


Death Toll Rises in Iran

8 more people were killed during Monday’s protests against Mahmoud Ahmedinejad’s electoral victory in Tehran. Rallies in support of Musavi…

June 16, 2009


Iran's Violent Protests Up Close

This weekend, the streets of Tehran erupted in violent protests against Friday’s presidential election results declaring incumbent Mahmoud Ahmedinejad the…

June 15, 2009


What's Happening in Tehran?

Iran went to the polls on Friday, June 12th, to vote in its highly anticipated and closely watched Presidential election.…

June 15, 2009


Twitter Saves the Day

Since Friday's Presidential election, the Iranian government has blocked access to several social networking sites, such as Facebook, and cut…

June 15, 2009


Obama Must Prosecute Bush-Era Torture Enablers

(Originally posted on the Christian Science Monitor) With Dick Cheney and the infamous torture memos making headlines, President Obama and…

June 15, 2009


Zimbabwe: A Little bit Funky, A Little bit Rock-n-Roll

What do you get when you put nearly 100 people in a room on a steamy DC summer evening to listen to two…

June 12, 2009


Protests in Peru Over "Oil Laws" Leave Dozens Dead

Peru’s Congress temporarily suspended two Amazon investment laws – dubbed the “Law of the Jungle” – that triggered violent clashes…

June 12, 2009