News & Blog


Why Madonna May Be Good for Malawi

Madonna’s appeal to a Malawi court regarding her adoption of a little girl was heard this week.  Personally, I could…

May 6, 2009


Military Commissions Redux

(As originally posted on Daily Kos) 100 days have come and gone with all the accompanying media hoopla but it…

May 6, 2009


Dear President Obama, When you meet with President Peres …

Israeli President, Shimon Peres, flew to the United States to give a speech at the 2009 AIPAC (American Israel Public…

May 5, 2009


Obama salutes Tissainayagam

In his May 1 statement in honor of World Press Freedom Day, President Obama singled out for recognition a few…

May 5, 2009


Sri Lanka: "Just Gimme Some Truth"

Last Friday, I watched the Al Jazeera video, "Sri Lanka admits military bombed 'no-fire' zone," in which the Sri Lankan Foreign…

May 5, 2009


Two More Child Offenders Face Execution in Iran Tomorrow

Just five days after the execution of child offender Delara Darabi in Iran, the government there is set to kill…

May 5, 2009


Bloggers are Journalists too

As some people have alluded to in the comments to this post by the Editors, bloggers are most definitely in…

May 4, 2009


New Satellite Images Show Bombardment of Sri Lankan "Safety Zone"

UNOSAT released new satellite images of the Sri Lanka war zone. Conclusion: Within the northern and southern sections of the…

May 4, 2009


The Women of Atenco have waited three years for justice…

...and they're still waiting. Yesterday and today mark the third anniversary of the police operations in San Salvador Atenco that…

May 4, 2009


Sri Lanka: a question of credibility

If we're to believe the Sri Lankan military, they've killed no civilians during their offensive against the opposition Tamil Tigers…

May 3, 2009


Roma persecution – Antiziganism – intensifies in Europe

Perhaps the most oppressed people in history, Roma - commonly referred to as Gypsies - have been persecuted since they…

May 2, 2009


Juvenile Offender Executed in Iran This Morning

Amnesty International learned today about the tragic and very unexpected execution of Delara Darabi this morning in Iran. Delara had…

May 1, 2009