News & Blog


Happy World Health Day!

Today is the 60th World Health Day, which the World Health Organization uses to highlight a different health theme each year. Today…

April 7, 2009


Who Wants To Know?

Yesterday, the Seattle Times reported that Washington State’s execution team resigned, out of concern that their identities might be revealed…

April 3, 2009


Another Blow to Illegal Detention

Judge John Bates took a stand for human rights and common sense when he ruled yesterday that foreign prisoners held…

April 3, 2009


US Weapons Pour Into Israel

Despite reports of US weapons used in human rights violations in Gaza, another shipment has arrived and been unloaded in…

April 2, 2009


Will victims of Gaza tragedy ever find justice?

Although the UN initiated a Board of Inquiry into allegations of war crimes in Gaza, Dion Nissenbaum, Jerusalem Bureau Chief for…

April 1, 2009


Guantanamo, Now "Relaxing, Calm and Beautiful"

Proving that there truly is no prerequisite for intelligence in pageant winners, Miss Universe either just revealed her deep ignorance…

April 1, 2009


Arrest warrants coming for 6 Bush-era officials in Madrid?

Last week the National Court in Madrid received a complaint filed on behalf of five Spanish nationals formerly detained in…

March 31, 2009


Exporting Insanity: Dutch Police Get Tasers

Today, Holland starts a one-year trial of arming police with Tasers.  This sounds like a familiar story, but here's the…

March 27, 2009


China Blocks YouTube, Google Plays Dumb

In case you haven’t heard, Google announced a few days ago that YouTube had been completely censored in China. According…

March 27, 2009


Immigrant detention report makes it onto Olbermann

Here's the clip - you have to watch until the end - where Amnesty's new report on immigrants in detention,…

March 26, 2009


Tasers: Unnecessary and Deadly Force

Another unarmed teen has died after being Tased by police. Brett Elder, 15, from Bay City, Michigan died after police…

March 25, 2009


Immigrants Locked Away in Legal Limbo

New research shows immigrants, including asylum seekers fleeing torture and long-time lawful permanent residents, are being unjustly detained in the…

March 25, 2009