News & Blog


Transparency Still an Unfulfilled Promise by President Obama

The Obama Administration has already taken several laudable steps to separate itself from illegal policies and practices of its predecessor,…

March 4, 2009


A step towards justice for Darfur?

The ICC's pre-trial chamber has issued an arrest warrant for Omar al-Bashir, the head of state of Sudan. Already, the government…

March 4, 2009


Death Penalty Abolition in Maryland: UPDATE 2

The Maryland Senate this morning voted for a “compromise” on the bill formerly known as the repeal bill.  In this…

March 4, 2009


Bashir Behind Bars?

I welcome today's history-making announcement of an arrest warrant for Sudanese President Bashir.  Since 2003 I have been part of…

March 4, 2009


International Women's Day Rally and Forum for the Women of Atenco

The women of Atenco, Mexico, have been waiting more than two years for justice. On May 3-4, 2006, nearly 3,000…

March 3, 2009


Death Penalty abolition in Maryland is moving forward

By procedural votes of 25-22 and then 24-23, the Maryland Senate brought the death penalty repeal bill to the floor…

March 3, 2009


Death Penalty abolition in Maryland: UPDATE

This afternoon, the Maryland death penalty repeal bill was amended on the Senate floor, by a 25-22 vote, so that…

March 3, 2009


Iranian Women Fight for their Rights

As International Women’s Day approaches on March 8th, it’s time to recognize the struggles and achievements of women’s rights activists…

March 2, 2009


Condi's former professor argues she should be tried as war criminal tonight

Tonight just after 10 pm EST, Condoleeza Rice's former history professor will argue in a debate with Colorado State Senator Shawn…

March 2, 2009


A Comprehensive and Visionary Approach

Former President Jimmy Carter is the latest to weigh in on the death penalty repeal debate going on in New…

March 2, 2009


WOZA Activist Jenni Williams Faces Trial Thursday, March 5

Jenni Williams, founder and activist in the human rights organization Women of Zimbabwe Arise (WOZA) faces trial next week for…

March 1, 2009


Don't Sideline Human Rights

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made headlines last week when she removed human rights from the agenda of discussion topics…

February 27, 2009