News & Blog


Momentum on accountability issues continues to build

It has been a busy week with developments on multiple fronts concerning the abuse of detainees held in the War on…

February 27, 2009


Vigilance Alone is Not Enough

The big news today is the announcement from Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (Democrat, Vermont) that his committee plans…

February 26, 2009


Major General Backs Torture Commission

Major General Antonio Taguba speaks with about why he supports a commission to examine torture: "You can't sweep unlawful…

February 25, 2009


Money for Nothing

The death penalty costs money – more money than the alternatives – and, as Wonkette notes “basically every state in the…

February 25, 2009


New Amnesty report calls for comprehensive arms embargo on Israel and Hamas

Amnesty International released a report today 'Fuelling conflict: Foreign arms supplies to Israel/Gaza' calling for a comprehensive arms embargo on…

February 24, 2009


Ma Khin Khin Leh is Free!

After serving nearly 10 years of a life sentence in Myanmar (Burma), prisoner of conscience and long-time AIUSA priority case…

February 24, 2009


Hope and Change? U.S. makes $900 million pledge to Gaza

Yesterday, the U.S. State Department leaked an upcoming pledge of $900 million to reconstruct Gaza and support the Palestinian Authority. …

February 24, 2009


Azerbaijan: Popular Website “Temporarily” Closed

First they came after dissenting newspapers such as Realni Azerbaijan. Then they came after foreign broadcasts such as BBC and…

February 22, 2009


Egypt vs. the Bloggers

Days after Egyptian authorities went after one blogger critical of the government's policy on Gaza and human rights, they're now…

February 21, 2009


Calls Grow to Investigate Bush Detention Policies

Yesterday a coalition of 18 leading human rights organizations including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the Open Society Institute…

February 20, 2009


Under Fire: White Phosphorus, Civilians, and Arkansas

Israeli army 'using white phosphorus' - 12 January 2008 White phosphorus, often supplied by the US, has accounted for approximately…

February 19, 2009


"What went on here?" : U.S. Lawmakers Assess the Damage in Gaza

In the first congressional visit since Hamas was elected in 2006, Representative Brian Baird from Washington, Rep. Keith Ellison from…

February 19, 2009