News & Blog


Direct from our researcher near Gaza

Reporting directly from southern Israel, Amnesty International researcher Donatella Rovera answered questions submitted about the Gaza crisis. Our vote for…

January 12, 2009


Seven Years Later: Our Power, Our Responsibility

This week we mark the 7th anniversary of the day the U.S. government first began warehousing “enemy combatants,” terrorism suspects…

January 12, 2009


UN Should Investigate War Crimes

Last week, the UN passed a binding resolution calling for “an immediate, durable and fully respected ceasefire leading to the…

January 12, 2009


Outspoken Journalist Killed in Sri Lanka

Yesterday morning, a brave Sri Lankan journalist paid the ultimate price for freedom of expression.  Lasantha Wickramatunga, the editor of…

January 9, 2009


A Humanitarian Truce or Farce?

After thirteen days of shelling Gaza in attacks that have killed over 683 Palestinians, the Israeli government has agreed to…

January 8, 2009


Reports that have lost their meaning

As we enter the new year the U.S. State Department is finishing the touches on its annual human rights report.…

January 7, 2009


Another Year, Another Unarmed Black Man Killed by Police

The below piece was written in January of 2009. Police continue to kill people with impunity in numbers close to…

January 7, 2009


US Must Monitor Use of US Weapons in Gaza

Amnesty International has called on the US State Department to suspend all transfers of military weaponry and equipment to Israel…

January 7, 2009


They Can’t Get Away With It…

So it ain’t breaking news that the Bush administration concocted a legal flip-flam to justify the kidnapping, capture, detention and…

January 7, 2009


I'd Hire Blackwater? A wake-up call to renewed action.

When a good friend left for Iraq, I noticed I began to pay even closer attention to the daily news…

January 6, 2009


The Daily Show Covers Gaza

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c Strip Maul *Requires flash player version 10 Check out…

January 6, 2009


What to Do with Your Leftover Holiday Cards

I just got off the phone with a colleague in Mexico who has been working with the women of Atenco, and…

January 6, 2009