Before You Head Abroad, Mr. President...

November 15, 2012

Rally for Rights in Myanmar (Burma)
Activists rally outside the White House to send a message to President Obama before his trip to Myanmar (Burma): Protect human rights.

On the eve of President Obama’s historic visit to Myanmar (Burma), human rights activists rallied in front of the White House to send a message to the President: press Burmese authorities to respect human rights.

Myanmar is emerging from more than five decades of repressive military regimes, and the U.S. must be vigilant in its demand for freedom and justice.

Activists called on President Obama to deliver an unequivocal message to Myanmar President Thein Sein, or risk undermining human rights progress. Stand with them by calling on President Obama to send a strong message on his trip to Myanmar. 

View photos from today’s rally:
Rally for Rights in Myanmar (Burma)