Government Relations

Human Rights on Capitol Hill - February 2022 Newsletter

February 3, 2022 | by Amnesty International USA |USA

TOPSHOT - Palestinians assess the damage caused by Israeli air strikes, in Beit Hanun in the northern Gaza Strip, on May 14, 2021. - Israel pounded Gaza and deployed extra troops to the border as Palestinians fired barrages of rockets back, with the death toll in the enclave on the fourth day of conflict climbing to over 100. (Photo by MAHMUD HAMS / AFP) (Photo by MAHMUD HAMS/AFP via Getty Images)
Amnesty International released a Feb. 1 report documenting the Israeli government’s ongoing human rights abuses against Palestinians. The core finding of this years-long research is that the Israeli authorities are committing the crime against humanity of apartheid, both in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (“OPT”) and in Israel, and against Palestinian refugees in other countries.