Three Human Rights Victories You Helped Make Happen

April 19, 2013

One Billion Rising in Washington, DC
Amnesty activists rise up with One Billion Rising in Washington, DC. ©Sarah K. Eddy

Today, we celebrate! Yes, you read that right.

While we often write about urgent news and actions about alarming abuses, today, we want to share some positive news – three major victories activists like you helped make happen.

You demanded justice for all women – not some.

You stood up to shameful efforts by some members of Congress to deny protection against domestic violence for Indigenous women, the LGBT community and immigrant women. Thanks in part to Amnesty activists, an inclusive Violence Against Women Act was reauthorized and signed into law on March 7. Find out more.

You helped end the death penalty in Maryland.

Amnesty International has led a global movement to end capital punishment since 1977 and our activists have been organizing grassroots abolition efforts in Maryland for decades. On March 15, Maryland’s General Assembly passed a death penalty repeal bill, which the Governor will sign soon, making Maryland the 18th state to abolish the death penalty. Find out more.

You helped bring to life a landmark treaty to keep weapons out of the hands of human rights abusers.

Just a couple weeks ago at the UN, an Arms Trade Treaty was adopted that prohibits arms transfers that would be used to commit genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes. This win caps two decades of rigorous advocacy by Amnesty International. Find out more.

These victories are emblematic of the human rights achievements we are striving for in our world. And while today we celebrate what we’ve accomplished, tomorrow we fight – against injustice and oppression wherever they occur.

Thank you for all that you do to protect human rights. Your support helped Amnesty secure three major victories for women’s rights, death penalty abolition and regulating the global arms trade.