Troy Davis and Face-to-Face Justice

April 16, 2010

Ever since Amnesty International published its first report on Troy Davis in February 2007 the main ask has been for a court – any court – to hold a face-to-face evidentiary hearing.  Only this kind of a hearing would allow the multiple witnesses who have either recanted their trial testimony or implicated an alternative suspect to be fully heard.  The importance of this kind of face-to-face testimony was made clear by former FBI Director William Sessions in a November 2008 Atlanta Journal Constitution op-ed.


“Only a full hearing, with all witnesses subject to rigorous cross-examination and a full exploration of the circumstances of their testimony, will provide a means to determine the reliability of this conviction.”

Now, as we wait for the date to be set for just such a face-to-face evidentiary hearing (as ordered by the US Supreme Court back in August of 2009), Amnesty International is asking all those who support justice for Troy Davis to lend your own faces to the cause.

With the leadership of Amnesty International France, we are creating a giant mosaic image of Troy made up of thousands of faces of supporters.  The large composite image will be displayed around the world to demonstrate how committed and determined so many of us are that justice must prevail in this case.

All you need is a digital camera and a few minutes and you can lend your face for justice right now!