Welcome to India, Junta Leader

July 25, 2010

Aung San Suu Kyi

Myanmar’s junta leader, General Than Shwe has been given the red carpet treatment during his visit to India.  India should be telling this dude that he should be releasing thousands of prisoners of conscience including Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi.  Do you think that’s what the Government of India is doing?  It would make sense given India’s strong democratic credentials.


Instead, India is talking about how they score up on natural gas and oil stuff.  According to the BBC:

… analysts say India’s desire to do business with Burma, reputed to have large reserves of natural gas and precious stones, has since outweighed concerns over human rights.

That hasn’t stopped Indians and Burmese exiles in India from protesting this visit and India’s approach to the visit.

Sajan K. George, national president of the Global Council of Indian Christians(GCIC) has sent an appeal to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh asking the Indian government for a greater commitment to restoring democracy and respect for human rights in Myanmar.

Kyaw Than, president of Burma Student League, says: “Having adopted a policy of engagement with Myanmar, India can not do things that may irritate the Burmese military clique. Everyone knows they know that the Burmese elections will not be free and fair, but India does not see this as a negative factor. For this reason, the government will not speak out on the issue in order not to disturb the general. “

They have a good point.  India’s attitude towards Myanmar has been pathetic.