Will India Step Up to the Plate on Syria?

August 3, 2011

Now’s the time folks to take action to urge the Indian External Affairs Minister (and the Foreign Ministers of Brazil and South Africa) to stop blocking a UN resolution condemning the Syrian Government’s massacres of its own civilians.

India’s foreign policy mandarins and their media compatriots have been talking up how awesome it is that India is now an “emerging power” in the world. It wouldn’t be a bad thing in theory given that India’s democratic government and vibrant civil society is indeed a wonderful thing to behold. But, India’s foreign policy, especially since the early part of the last decade has been the definition of passive aggressive.

But now, India is on the UN Security Council and they have an opportunity to change their behavior. I’m not optimistic though given their tendency to abstain from decision that require hard choices.

India did it with Libya, abstaining from a UN resolution calling for a no-fly zone over that country when Moammar Gaddafi was killing his citizens. India has taken stances in support of the Myanmar military junta even presenting the then Myanmar junta leader with a bust of Mahatma Gandhi! They’ve also done precious little to help seek justice in Sri Lanka and has certainly not done anything to help stop the bloodshed in Darfur (while scoring juicy contracts with the Sudanese government).

That being said, I’d like nothing more than to be proven wrong that India’s “emerging power” status is merely rhetoric. I think they’ll need your help so please sign the petition to India’s External Affairs Minister and tell him to stop blocking action on Syria!