
Help fight the Muslim and Refugee Bans with our resources and actions below.

In January, President Trump has issued multiple executive orders trying to ban people from several Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States and block refugees from rebuilding their lives in the country.

Now the Supreme Court has allowed President Trump to partially put the Muslim and refugee ban back into effect until it decides on the ultimate fate of the executive order. It’s more important now than ever to get loud and stand against this discriminatory policy.

The intent of these policies is clear: To ban people based on who they are, not what they’ve done. It’s discriminatory and dangerous.

Amnesty International has documented the impact of the ban on people across the world and we’ve mobilized thousands of people to call their members of Congress and ask them to stop this ban.


  • Call your Senators: Ask them to stand up to the ban. Dial 1-855-923-6687 and demand your representative publicly denounces it.
  • Share with your networks: Post this “Missing Senators” image on your Facebook page with #NoBanNoWall. The more people who search for these missing Senators, the more chance we have of hearing from them.
  • Hang a poster: Print our “Missing Senator” poster, personalize it, and display in your local area.
  • Plan or attend a rally: Make your voice heard. Find an event, read out guide for planning an event, and get protest materials.
