United for Sudan: Demand Biden Take Action to Protect Civilians in Sudan!

CHERO KASI, SUDAN - SEPTEMBER 7: A Sudanese rebel fighter from the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) sombrely watches the abandoned village of Chero Kasi burn less than an hour after Janjaweed militiamen set it ablaze in the violence plagued Darfur region September 7, 2004. United States Secretary of State Colin Powell told a U.S. congressional committee this week that the ethnic violence in Sudan amounts to
(Scott Nelson/Getty Images)

During negotiations for a new transitional government in April 2023, violence escalated after weeks of tensions between the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) over security force reform. Since then, over 8 million people have been displaced, and over 14,000 have been killed.

In a report published in August 2023, ‘Death Came To Our Home’: War Crimes and Civilian Suffering In Sudan, Amnesty International documented extensive war crimes being committed by the SAF and RSF in the conflict. Many ethnic Masalit people who fled to Chad from West Darfur told Amnesty International that their towns had been attacked by RSF and heavily armed Arab militias in ethnically motivated violence.

Demand the Biden administration take action in Sudan

Despite the ongoing violence and immense suffering of civilians, President Biden has remained largely silent on Sudan. Demands for enforcing the 2005 UN Security Council arms embargo on Darfur have not gained traction. Meanwhile, the humanitarian response remains woefully underfunded, and civilians continue to suffer.

Take one or more of these actions below to make your voice heard!

Ask them to pressure the Biden Administration to enforce the existing arms embargo on Darfur and expand it to all of Sudan.

Sign the petition

Here’s a phone script:

Right now, Sudan is facing the largest humanitarian crisis in the world, over ten million people have been displaced, thousands of civilians killed and famine is looming. Despite these grim numbers, Sudan is largely being ignored by the international community. We need Congress and the Biden Administration to act now on Sudan before more people are killed or displaced.

Call your Member of Congress and your Senator today and tell them to act for Sudan now. Tell them Congress must ensure there is sufficient humanitarian funding for Sudan, and they must pressure President Biden to enforce the existing arms embargo on Darfur.

You can find out who your Representative is here and your Senator here.

Amnesty International USA and partners will take signature petitions to the White House as part of our rally on April 15th. Add your voice to show the Biden administration you are standing in solidarity with Sudan.

Sign the petition.

watercolor painting of woman with Speak Out on Sudan titleWhile the conflict in Sudan has been ongoing for more than a year, many in the US are unaware of what is happening.

You can help by speaking about Sudan with your friends, family, colleagues and classmates. Tell them what you’ve learned and ask them to take action, too.


Rep. Sara Jacobs speaks at United for Sudan Rally to mark one year of the conflict and humanitarian crisis in Sudan and call for immediate action to end the war on Monday, April 15, 2024 in Washington. (Joy Asico-Smith/AP Images for Amnesty International USA)
Rep. Sara Jacobs speaks at United for Sudan Rally to mark one year of the conflict and humanitarian crisis in Sudan and call for immediate action to end the war on Monday, April 15, 2024 in Washington. (Joy Asico-Smith/AP Images for Amnesty International USA)

United for Sudan Rally

Amnesty International USA and several advocacy, human rights, and Sudanese advocacy organizations hosted a rally to demand action and show solidarity with the people of Sudan on April 15th, one year into the current conflict.

Learn about Sudan

Learn more about the conflict in Sudan through Amnesty research. Educate your community about what is happening so that more people take action!