#FreeBillieAllen, The Art of Innocence

Virtual Event

The resumption of executions at the Federal level in the United States puts many death row inmates at risk of death, particularly at the accelerated pace at which they are being pursued. Amnesty activists in New York City have formed a relationship with the family of Billie Allen, who is a federal death row inmate …

Teach-in: Holding Police Accountable in Policing of Black Lives Matter Protests

Virtual Event

Learn what you can do to hold officials accountable to protecting the right to peaceful protest!  According to Amnesty International's recently published report titled: The World Is Watching: Mass Violations By U.S. Police of Black Lives Matter Protesters' Rights, the US is in clear violation of protecting the right to protest.  The report documents cases of Black Lives …

Amnesty International Local Group 40, Ames, Iowa Monthly Meeting

57945 Ames, IA, United States

All are invited to participate in our monthly activists gathering, which has gone virtual during the COVID-19 pandemic.   Each month we come together to discuss local and global human rights issues, plan and coordinate activities to promote and protect human rights, and take action on pressing human rights concerns!  We are people from the greater …