Pride 2024

On this page you’ll find actions you can take, ideas for organizing, and resources to learn more about LGBTQI+ rights. Take Action!


Last updated on May 28, 2024

Celebrate Pride with LGBTQI+ activists around the world! This year let us show our PRIDE and fight for a world where everyone’s rights are fully protected, respected, and fulfilled.


Protect Transgender Rights

A cruel wave of anti-trans legislation is sweeping the country and putting the lives and rights of trans people in danger. Transgender and nonbinary people in the United States are being punished for their identity. They’re being attacked. They’re being dehumanized. And their lives are in danger.

In the first four months of 2023, state legislatures introduced more than 470 anti-LGBTQI+ bills — most targeting transgender youth. That’s more bills attacking LGBTQI+ rights than in all of 2022.

Anti-LGBTQI+ bills being introduced across the country are inspiring violent threats and attacks against LGBTQI+ communities.

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Solidarity for trans activists and people in Oklahoma

Oklahoma has some of the worst anti-LGBTQI+ laws in the nation—including multiple laws targeting transgender and gender non-binary people, like Nex Benedict, a non-binary teen who died this year following an attack in the bathroom. These laws not only criminalize LGBTQI+ identity; they inspire violence against LGBTQI+ people and create a lack of hope. 

Take Action

Write a message of solidarity for transgender and gender diverse people in Oklahoma

We’re teaming up with Trans Advocacy Coalition of Oklahoma to collect solidarity cards for transgender Oklahomans. Focus your messages on sentiments of love and support. These notes can be on cards (like hallmark cards), or on colorful paper, or simply on notebook paper. Collect these messages of support from others in your groups, too. 

Mail your message(s) to:

Amnesty International USA
Attn: GSI Program
1150 18th St. NE, Ste 550
Washington, DC 20036

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Learn More

Throughout Pride month, commit to learning more about LGBTI rights and what you can do to support LGBTQI+ people!

  • If you misgender someone, don’t panic. Read this to practice how best to respond.
  • Know the difference between gender identity, gender expression, sex assigned at birth, sexuality, and emotional attraction (be sure to notice the explanations below the awesome gender unicorn graph).
  • Read more about using inclusive language and why it matters.
  • Find out more about how you can be a good ally for LGBTQI+ people in your life.
  • Ever wonder about the LGBTQI+* acronyms or other terms? You can see one glossary here to learn more about some of the terms you see. At Amnesty, you may notice we use different acronyms at different times. “LGBTI” is often used in human rights law and practice (as terms that are defined in multilateral documents and covenants), but we tend to use LGBTQI+ when speaking about the broader movement or people to be more inclusive. All terms and acronyms evolve and change as we seek to be inclusive and defend the rights of ALL people!
  • Learn more about what LGBTQI+ people face globally with these maps on sexual orientation and gender identity around the world.

Hosting an event?

Sign up if your Amnesty group will be hosting or tabling at Pride events (and receive swag!)