
Amnesty International produces reports based on rigorous and independent research. These reports document patterns of human rights abuses and provide a blueprint for change.

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This report seeks to analyze patterns of repression used against human rights defenders in Mauritania, particularly those who expose and…

March 22, 2018

Sheet of paper Report

Online abuse of women thrives as Twitter fails to respect women’s rights

Twitter’s recent claim to “stand with women around the world” rings hollow in light of the multi-billion-dollar social media platform’s…

March 20, 2018


Sheet of paper Report

Nigeria: Amnesty activists uncover serious negligence by oil giants Shell and Eni

A groundbreaking research project by Amnesty International has exposed evidence of serious negligence by oil giants Shell and Eni, whose…

March 15, 2018

Sheet of paper Report

Remaking Rakhine State

Myanmar’s Rakhine State is being militarized at an alarming pace, as authorities are building security force bases and bulldozing land…

March 11, 2018

Sheet of paper Report

Amnesty International State of the World’s Human Rights Annual Report 2017-18

The world is reaping the terrifying consequences of hate-filled rhetoric that threatens to normalize massive discrimination against marginalized groups, Amnesty…

February 22, 2018

SYDNEY TOWN HALL, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA – 2016/02/08: Protesters at Town Hall Square gathered to demonstrate against offshore detention. With mounting public and political pressure against the Australian Federal Government an estimated 4000 protesters rallied at Sydney Town Hall to demonstrate their opposition to the deportation and detention of asylum seeker children to the offshore processing centers of Manus Island and Nauru. The protesters called for the abandonment of all offshore detention with the vocal message of ‘let them stay’. (Photo by Richard Ashen/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images) GI_ ID No 509063408

Sheet of paper Report

Punishment not protection: Australia’s treatment of refugees and asylum seekers in Papua New Guinea

The Australian government has abandoned hundreds of refugees and asylum seekers, leaving them in a situation that more closely resembles…

January 31, 2018

Sheet of paper Report

Overlooked, Under-Protected: Mexico’s Deadly Refoulement of Central Americans seeking asylum

Mexican migration authorities are routinely turning back thousands of people from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala to their countries without…

January 23, 2018

Sheet of paper Report

Less equal: LGBTI human rights defenders in Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan

Discrimination, homophobia and Russia’s crusade against non-traditional sexual relationships have helped fuel a worrying rise in hostility towards LGBTI human…

December 22, 2017


Sheet of paper Report

Somalia: Refugees pressured to leave Dadaab return to insecurity, drought and hunger

Thousands of Somali refugees who were pressured into leaving the Dadaab camp in Kenya are now facing drought, starvation and…

December 20, 2017

Sheet of paper Report

Kosovo: Compensation for wartime rape survivors, but still no justice

Nearly two decades after thousands of women and girls in Kosovo were systematically raped during the 1998-99 armed conflict, the…

December 13, 2017


Sheet of paper Report

Libya: European governments complicit in horrific abuse of refugees and migrants

European governments are knowingly “complicit” in the torture and exploitation of tens of thousands of refugees and migrants detained by…

December 11, 2017

Aktion zum “Internationalen Tag gegen das Verschwindenlassen” am 29082014 in Berlin. ( © Henning Schacht Leuthener Str. 1 – D 10829 Berlin – phone (+49) 0177 6443393 )

Sheet of paper Report

Deadly but Preventable Attacks: Killings and Enforced Disappearances of Those who Defend Human Rights

States around the world are failing in their duty to effectively protect people who defend human rights, leading to an…

December 4, 2017