
Amnesty International produces reports based on rigorous and independent research. These reports document patterns of human rights abuses and provide a blueprint for change.

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Sheet of paper Report

My Family is in Shock: The Harm Caused by President Trump’s Executive Orders on Travel to the US

The Trump administration’s executive order on travel, scheduled for another federal appeals court review on Monday, would harm both immigrants…

May 15, 2017

Sheet of paper Report

Journalism is not a crime: Crackdown on media freedom in Turkey

Since the failed coup attempt in July 2016, at least 156 media outlets have been shut down and an estimated…

May 2, 2017

Sheet of paper Report

Silenced By Force: Politically-Motivated Arbitrary Detentions in Venezuela

Venezuelan authorities are using the justice system to illegally increase persecution and punishment of those who think differently, says Amnesty…

April 24, 2017

Sheet of paper Report

Death Sentences and Executions 2016

For the first time since 2006, and only the second time since 1991, the United States is not among the…

April 7, 2017

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Treasure Island: How Companies Are Profiting from Australia’s Abuse of Refugees on Nauru

A major corporation responsible for running the Australian government’s refugee “processing” centre on Nauru is making millions of dollars from…

April 3, 2017


Sheet of paper Report

The State of the World’s Human Rights

Politicians wielding a toxic, dehumanizing “us vs them” rhetoric are creating a more divided and dangerous world, warned Amnesty International…

February 17, 2017

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Human slaughterhouse: Mass hangings and extermination at Saydnaya prison, Syria

A chilling new report by Amnesty International exposes the Syrian government’s calculated campaign of extrajudicial executions by mass hangings at…

February 3, 2017

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South Africa: Women and girls risk unsafe abortions after being denied legal services

Women and girls risk unsafe abortions that can lead to serious health complications, and even death, due to persistent barriers…

January 31, 2017


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“If you are poor you are killed”: Extrajudicial Executions in the Philippines’ “War on Drugs”

Acting on instructions from the very top of government, the Philippines police have killed and paid others to kill thousands…

January 27, 2017

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The long wait for justice: Accountability in Central African Republic

Individuals suspected of committing war crimes including killing and rape during the conflict in the Central African Republic (CAR) are…

January 10, 2017


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Iraq: Turning a blind eye: The arming of the PMU

Iraq: End irresponsible arms transfers fuelling militia war crimes ·         Militias allied to the Iraqi government have access to arms…

January 3, 2017

Sheet of paper Report

As good as dead: The impact of the blasphemy laws in Pakistan

Pakistan’s blasphemy laws are often used against religious minorities and others who are the target of false accusations, while emboldening vigilantes prepared to threaten or kill the…

December 20, 2016