
Amnesty International produces reports based on rigorous and independent research. These reports document patterns of human rights abuses and provide a blueprint for change.

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Amnesty International Submission for the UN Universal Periodic Review

During the USA’s first Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in 2010, 228 recommendations were made to it by other states. The…

October 20, 2014

Sheet of paper Report

United States of America Submission to the United Nations Committee Against Torture

It is now two decades since the USA ratified the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading…

October 20, 2014


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Bitter Harvest: Exploitation and Forced Labor of Migrant Agricultural Workers in South Korea

The South Korean government must end the exploitation and widespread use of forced labour of migrant agricultural workers, Amnesty International…

October 19, 2014


Sheet of paper Report

Summary Killings During the Conflict in Eastern Ukraine

An Amnesty International investigation into allegations of execution-style and other deliberate killings by pro-Russian separatists and pro-Kyiv forces has found…

October 19, 2014

Accused and charged with having an abortion after a miscarriage at 18 years old.

Sheet of paper Report

On The Brink Of Death: Violence Against Women And The Abortion Ban In El Salvador

Every year, thousands of women and girls are denied their rights and choices by El Salvador’s total ban on abortion…

October 17, 2014


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Rule By Law: Discriminatory Legislation and Legitimized Abuses in Uganda

Repressive and discriminatory legislation enacted over the last 18 months in Uganda has led to increasing state repression, violence and…

October 15, 2014


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Struggles for Maternal Health: Barriers to Antenatal Care in South Africa

Too many women and girls are dying needlessly in South Africa during pregnancy or shortly after giving birth. One of…

October 8, 2014

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My Body My Rights

All over the world, people are coerced, criminalized and discriminated against, simply for making choices about their bodies and their…

September 26, 2014

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‘Welcome to hell fire’: Torture and other ill-treatment in Nigeria

Torture is a routine occurrence in Nigeria, largely to extract “confessions” or as punishment for alleged crimes. Hundreds of suspects…

September 26, 2014

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Out of control: Torture and other ill-treatment in Mexico

Anyone arrested in Mexico is potentially at risk of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Torture…

September 26, 2014

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China’s Trade in Tools of Torture and Repression

This report focuses on China’s growing manufacture, sale and trade of a wide range of law enforcement equipment. Of particular…

September 26, 2014

Sheet of paper Report

On the Brink of Death: Violence Against Women and the Abortion Ban in El Salvador

Every year, thousands of women and girls are denied their rights and choices by El Salvador’s total ban on abortion…

September 25, 2014