
Amnesty International produces reports based on rigorous and independent research. These reports document patterns of human rights abuses and provide a blueprint for change.

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Annual Report: Turkmenistan 2013

TURKMENISTAN Head of state and government Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov A law on political parties was passed allowing for formal political opposition.…

May 29, 2013

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Annual Report: Turkey 2013

Republic of Turkey Head of state Abdullah Gül Head of government Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan Freedom of expression remained restricted despite…

May 29, 2013

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Annual Report: Tunisia 2013

Republic of Tunisia Head of state Moncef Marzouki Head of government Hamadi Jebali The authorities restricted freedom of expression and…

May 29, 2013

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Annual Report: Trinidad & Tobago 2013

REPUBLIC OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Head of state George Maxwell Richards Head of government Kamla Persad-Bissessar Reports of unlawful killings…

May 29, 2013

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Annual Report: Togo 2013

TOGOLESE REPUBLIC Head of state Faure Gnassingbé Head of government Kwesi Ahoomey-Zunu (replaced Gilbert Houngbo) Demonstrations by political parties and…

May 29, 2013

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Annual Report: Timor-Leste 2013

DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF TIMOR-LESTE Head of state José Maria Vasconcelos (replaced José Ramos-Horta) Head of government Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão…

May 29, 2013

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Annual Report: Thailand 2013

Kingdom of Thailand Head of state King Bhumibol Adulyadej Head of government Yingluck Shinawatra The armed conflict continued in the…

May 29, 2013

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Annual Report: Tanzania 2013

UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA Head of state Jakaya Kikwete Head of government Mizengo Peter Pinda Head of Zanzibar government Ali…

May 29, 2013

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Annual Report: Tajikistan 2013

Republic of Tajikistan Head of state Emomali Rahmon Head of government Ogil Ogilov Torture and other ill-treatment remained widespread and…

May 29, 2013

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Annual Report: Taiwan 2013

TAIWAN Head of state Ma Ying-jeou Head of government Jian Yi-huah (replaced Chen Chun) Taiwan carried out six executions. As…

May 29, 2013

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Annual Report: Syria 2013

Syrian Arab Republic Head of state Bashar al-Assad Head of government Wa’el al-Halqi (replaced Omar Ibrahim Ghalawangi) The internal armed…

May 29, 2013

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Annual Report: Switzerland 2013

SWISS CONFEDERATION Head of state and government Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf Restrictive measures on access to asylum were adopted. Measures to limit…

May 29, 2013