
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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Photo by ABDUAZIZ MADYAROV/AFP via Getty Images

Press Release

Kazakhstani Authorities Must Release Arbitrarily Detained Protestors and Respect Human Rights Amid Ongoing Unrest

The Kazakhstani authorities must release journalists and activists who have been arbitrarily detained for their coverage of mass protests across the country over the past week, provide information on all protest-related arrests and ensure human rights of all detainees, said Amnesty International, as the number of individuals arrested since protests began on January 2 reached close to 10,000 according to official government figures.  

January 11, 2022

Photo by Valery SharifulinTASS via Getty Images

Press Release

Ordering security forces to ‘fire without warning’ a recipe for disaster in Kazakhstan

Reacting to a televised address this morning (January 7) by Kazakhstan’s President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev calling for security forces to “fire without warning” at any further disturbances following the recent mass protests and violence, Marie Struthers, Amnesty International’s Director for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, said: “The Kazakhstani authorities have a duty to maintain order, but giving blanket approval for police officers and troops to fire without warning is unlawful and a recipe for disaster. It could pave the way for knee-jerk reactions that result in unlawful killings. Unless this order is immediately and clearly revoked, Kazakhstan’s already abysmal human rights…

January 7, 2022

Photo by ABDUAZIZ MADYAROV/AFP via Getty Images

Press Release

Widespread violation of basic rights spurred unprecedented protests in Kazakhstan

Responding to the ongoing protests in Kazakhstan over soaring energy prices, deteriorating living standards and the repression of peaceful protest, Marie Struthers, Amnesty International’s Director for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, said: “The protests unfolding in Kazakhstan, which have turned violent, are a direct consequence of the authorities’ widespread repression of basic human rights. For years, the government has relentlessly persecuted peaceful dissent, leaving the Kazakhstani people in a state of agitation and despair.

January 5, 2022

Press Release

Kazakhstan must release activists arrested in disturbing crackdown over Land Code protest

The Kazakhstani authorities must immediately and unconditionally release almost three dozen activists after dramatic wave of arrests, apparently aimed at blocking peaceful demonstrations from going ahead this weekend, Amnesty International said.

May 20, 2016

Press Release

No justice for torture victims in Kazakhstan

Authorities in Kazakhstan are failing in their duty to promptly, impartially and effectively investigate reports of torture and other ill-treatment perpetrated by members of law enforcement agencies and prison staff, Amnesty International said in report published today.

March 1, 2016

Press Release

Amnesty International’s Annual State of the World Report Slams Governments, Including the U.S., for Global Assault on Freedoms

On the launch of its 2015 State of the World report, Amnesty International USA urged President Obama to use his last year in office to bring U.S. laws and policies in line with international human rights standards.

February 22, 2016


Sheet of paper Report

Amnesty International State of the World 2015-2016

International protection of human rights is in danger of unravelling as short-term national self-interest and draconian security crackdowns have led to a wholesale assault on basic freedoms and rights, warned Amnesty International as it launched its annual assessment of human rights around the world. “Your rights are in jeopardy: they are being treated with utter contempt by many governments around the world,” said Salil Shetty, Secretary General of Amnesty International.

February 18, 2016

Press Release

Your rights in jeopardy, global assault on freedoms, warns Amnesty International

International protection of human rights is in danger of unravelling as short-term national self-interest and draconian security crackdowns have led to a wholesale assault on basic freedoms and rights, warned Amnesty International as it launched its annual assessment of human rights around the world. “Your rights are in jeopardy: they are being treated with utter contempt by many governments around the world,” said Salil Shetty, Secretary General of Amnesty International.

February 18, 2016


Sheet of paper Report

State of the World 2014/2015

This has been a devastating year for those seeking to stand up for human rights and for those caught up in the suffering of war zones. Governments pay lip service to the importance of protecting civilians. And yet the world's politicians have miserably failed to protect those in greatest need. Amnesty International believes that this can and must finally change.

February 25, 2015

Press Release

Kazakhstan Continues to Dismiss Allegations of Torture Despite Evidence

Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbaev deceived the international community with his government’s promise to eradicate torture and fully investigate the lethal use of force by police.

July 10, 2013


Sheet of paper Report

Old Habits: The Routine Use of Torture and Other Ill-Treatment in Kazakhstan

Torture remains commonplace in Kazakhstan and the torturers are allowed to go free.

July 10, 2013

Sheet of paper Report

Annual Report: Kazakhstan 2013

Republic of Kazakhstan Head of state Nursultan Nazarbaev Head of government Serik Akhmetov (replaced Karim Massimov) A criminal investigation into the use of lethal force by security officials during the mass unrest in Zhanaozen in December 2011 resulted in charges being brought against five individual officers. Alleged organizers and participants were put on trial in March. Most of those charged with organizing and participating in the violence claimed that they were tortured to force their confessions. The leader of an unregistered opposition party received a long prison sentence for his alleged involvement in the Zhanaozen violence after an unfair trial.…

May 20, 2013