
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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Sheet of paper Report


More than ten years after the mass and grossly unfair military trials of 1992, hundreds of political activists or alleged...

March 26, 2011

Sheet of paper Report

USA: See no evil: Government turns the other way as judges make findings about torture and other abuse

USA: See no evil: Government turns the other way as judges make findings about torture and other abuse Available in PDF only

March 26, 2011

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USA: US Must Reform Afghanistan Detention Policy as New Facility Opens

The Obama administration should revise its detention policies in Afghanistan to make them consistent with international law,...

March 26, 2011

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USA: New York: Allegations of police brutality against participants at gay rally

Amnesty International is urging the New York authorities to carry out an investigation into allegations that officers from...

March 26, 2011

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Canada: Canada Still Refusing to Seek Omar Khadr’s Repatriation from Guantánamo; Mohammed Jawad Returned to Afghanistan

By refusing to seek the repatriation of its national, Omar Khadr, from US custody in Guantánamo Bay, the Canadian...

March 26, 2011

Sheet of paper Report

Nicaragua: Listen to their voices and act. Stop the rape and sexual abuse of girls in Nicaragua

Rape and sexual abuse are widespread in Nicaragua, and the majority of victims are young. More than two thirds of all rapes...

March 26, 2011

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Mexico: New reports of human rights violations by the military

Amnesty International is receiving increasing allegations of serious human rights violations, such as enforced...

March 26, 2011

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Uganda: Breaking the circle: Protecting human rights in the northern war zone

The war in northern Uganda is in its thirteenth year. The districts of Gulu and Kitgum, home of the Acholi ethnic group,...

March 26, 2011

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Europe: Open Secret: Mounting Evidence of Europe’s Complicity in Rendition and Secret Detention

Europe: Open Secret: Mounting Evidence of Europe's Complicity in Rendition and Secret Detention Available in PDF only.

March 26, 2011

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The Gender Trap: Women, Violence and Poverty

Most of the people living in poverty in the world are women. Discrimination is a key driver of poverty. In some countries...

March 26, 2011

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USA: “Not part of my sentence”: Violations of the human rights of women in custody

This document, produced as part of the USA campaign, gives details of the human rights abuses suffered by women in custody...

March 26, 2011

Sheet of paper Report

USA: Shadow over justice: Absence of accountability and remedy casts shadow over opening of trial of former secret detainee accused in embassy bombings

USA: Shadow over justice Absence of accountability and remedy casts shadow over opening of trial of former secret detainee accused in embassy bombings 01 October 2010 Index: AMR 51/094/2010 When injustice anywhere is ignored, justice everywhere is denied US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, December 20091   The trial of a Tanzanian man transferred last year from the US Naval Base at Guantánamo Bay in Cuba to the US mainland for prosecution is set to begin in New York on 4 October 2010. The decision to prosecute Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani in ordinary federal court on charges of involvement in embassy…

March 26, 2011