
We put a human face on complex issues to hold governments accountable.

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Press Release

Nicaragua: Ortega government continues to violate the right to freedom of press

Ahead of World Press Freedom Day and more than a year since the Nicaraguan government launched its strategy of repression against the protests that began on 18 April 2018, Erika Guevara-Rosas, Americas director at Amnesty International, said:

May 2, 2019


Human Rights on Capitol Hill May Edition

To view PDF version click here: Human Rights on Capitol Hill May   Human Rights on Capitol Hill  published by Amnesty International USA  May 2, 2019  In this edition of Human Rights on Capitol Hill: 1) May 6 Amnesty International USA Capitol Hill Lobby Day 2) Sri Lanka – Following Easter Sunday Massacre, Sri Lanka Imposes Ban on Face Veils 3) President Trump’s Decision to “Unsign” the Arms Trade Treaty (“ATT”) Will Increase Illegal Sales of Conventional Weapons 4) Afghanistan – Amnesty International Condemns International Criminal Court (“ICC”)’s Refusal to Authorize Investigation into Crimes Committed in Afghanistan 5) Syria - U.S.-Led…

May 2, 2019


Coalition Letter Urging Transparency Around U.S. Use of Lethal Force

May 2, 2019 The Honorable James Inhofe Chairman, Armed Services Committee United States Senate Washington, DC 20515 The Honorable Jack Reed Ranking Member, Armed Services Committee United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 The Honorable Adam Smith Chairman, Armed Services Committee United States House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 The Honorable Mac Thornberry Ranking Member, Armed Services Committee United States Senate United States House of Representatives Washington, DC 20510 Washington, DC 20515 Dear Messrs. Chairmen and Ranking Members: We, the undersigned human rights, civil liberties, transparency, and faith-based organizations, write to urge you to strengthen oversight, transparency, and accountability surrounding U.S.…

May 2, 2019

Press Release

Department of Defense Must Conduct Meaningful, Thorough, Independent Investigation into Civilian Casualties

Responding to the United States Department of Defense report to Congress on civilian casualties from US military operations, Daphne Eviatar, the Director of Security With Human Rights at Amnesty International USA said: “The latest report is a welcome step for accountability for civilian casualties as a result of U.S operations, but many more are required, to both acknowledge the full scale of the damage and for the survivors still struggling with the aftermath. “The Department of Defense unfortunately still significantly undercounts civilian casualties caused by U.S. led operations, as demonstrated by our recent, detailed reporting on civilian casualties in Somalia…

May 2, 2019

Press Release

President Trump’s Funding Request Threatens Lives of People Seeking Protection

Today President Trump put forth a request to Congress for $4.4 billion in funding to address issues at the US-Mexico border. This funding request comes just as reports are surfacing of another death of an unaccompanied child in US government custody. Charanya Krishnaswami, advocacy director for the Americas at Amnesty International USA, released the following statement:

May 1, 2019


Amnesty International Tibetan Film Screening Events in San Francisco

Amnesty International USA is hosting two events in San Francisco with former Prisoner of Conscience Tibetan Filmmaker Dhondup Wangchen. This is in conjunction with International Campaign for Tibet as sponsors and some local partners such as Students for a Free Tibet. At the events, Dhondup will be showcasing his film “Leaving Fear Behind” which documents his heroic journey to bring Tibetan voices to the Beijing Olympic Games. Dhondup was sentenced to six years imprisonment in December 2009 after the film was smuggled out of Tibet. To read more about his case you can it read here The dates and times of…

May 1, 2019


Amnesty International Visit to Homestead Facility (April 2, 2019)

20190416 Homestead Advocacy Brief_ Amnesty International Visit to Homestead Facility (April 2, 2019) On 2 April 2019, a team of Amnesty International (“AI”) researchers visited the temporary influx shelter for unaccompanied children at Homestead, Florida (“Homestead” or “emergency shelter”). AI interviewed Homestead staff and toured the facility. Although AI did not interview children at Homestead, AI observed them in classrooms, the cafeteria, residential areas, common areas, and outside on the grounds. In addition to the visit to Homestead, Amnesty International visited two nearby permanent shelters for unaccompanied children. AI interviewed staff at each shelter for a total of 4.5 hours,…

April 30, 2019

In this picture taken on April 25, 2019, a Sri Lankan Muslim woman walks along a beach with her child in Kattankudy. - Zahran Hashim's sword-wielding zealotry fuelled fears in the sleepy east coast town of Kattankudy long before the cleric became Sri Lanka's most wanted man over the horrific Easter Sunday suicide attacks. The country's president announced on April 26 that Hashim led and died in the attack on the Shangri-La hotel in Colombo -- one of three hotels and three churches hit by bombers wearing explosive backpacks. (Photo by LAKRUWAN WANNIARACHCHI / AFP) (Photo credit should read LAKRUWAN WANNIARACHCHI/AFP/Getty Images)

Press Release

Ban on face-veil risks stigmatizing Muslim women in Sri Lanka

Responding to Sri Lanka’s emergency regulations imposing a ban on clothing that conceals the face, Amnesty International’s Deputy South Asia Director, Dinushika Dissanayake, said: “At a time when many Muslims in Sri Lanka fear a backlash, imposing a ban that effectively targets women wearing a face veil for religious reasons risks stigmatizing them. They will be forced out of public spaces to stay at home and will be unable to work, study or access basic services. The ban violates their rights to non-discrimination,  freedom of expression and religion. “Where there are legitimate security concerns, the authorities can carry out identity checks when…

April 30, 2019


Press Release

Ahead of Defense Department Reporting Deadline, Amnesty USA Calls for Accountability for Global Civilian Deaths

Ahead of the May 1 deadline for the United States Department of Defense to report back to Congress on civilian casualties from US military operations, Daphne Eviatar, the Director of Security With Human Rights at Amnesty International USA said: "We hope to finally see an honest assessment of the devastating impact that U.S. lethal strikes have had, and a truthful recognition of civilian deaths and injuries as a result of U.S. actions. The survivors, families, and community members have a right to that acknowledgement. “Our recent research on the ground in Syria and in Somalia demonstrates why this is so critical. Effective public scrutiny…

April 29, 2019

Press Release

50 “Refugees Welcome” Resolutions Passed in Cities and Schools Across the Country

With the passage of a resolution in Westwood, Massachusetts, 50 cities, universities, colleges, and high schools across the country have officially passed resolutions welcoming refugees in their community.

April 26, 2019

Amnesty International protestors demonstrate outside of the White House in Washington, DC, on March 22, 2013. The protestors were urging President Obama to support a bulletproof Arms Trade Treaty. AFP PHOTO/NICOLE SAKIN (Photo credit should read NICOLE SAKIN/AFP/Getty Images)

Press Release

The Trump Administration Dangerously Weakens Arms Sales Protections

Reacting to reports that the US may withdraw its signature from the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), Adotei Akwei, the Deputy Director for Advocacy and Government Relations for Amnesty International USA said: “This announcement is a misguided blow to efforts to promote international peace and security. The ATT is the first global instrument to set international standards for the transfer of conventional arms and ammunition with the express purpose of reducing human suffering. The treaty requires governments to assess the risk of violations of international human rights and humanitarian law before they authorize an arms deal in order to prevent weapons from…

April 26, 2019

Press Release

Nicaragua: Still governing by repression a year after crisis began

A year after the beginning of the crisis in Nicaragua, President Ortega’s government is continuing its strategy of repression and human rights violations, despite the many calls from international organizations and the determined efforts of civil society to find a swift solution that upholds the rights of the population.

April 25, 2019