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Amnesty International Statement on Venezuela for Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearing

For PDF version, click here: 2019.03.04 Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee Hearing on Venezuela (for record submission)   March 5, 2019   Sen. Marco Rubio Sen. Ben Cardin Chair Ranking Member Senate Foreign Relations Committee Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, Transnational Crime, Civilian Security, Democracy, Human Rights, and Global Women’s Issues Senate Foreign Relations Committee Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, Transnational Crime, Civilian Security, Democracy, Human Rights, and Global Women’s Issues   RE:     Amnesty International Statement for Hearing on “U.S.-Venezuela Relations and the Path to a Democratic Transition”   Dear Chairman Rubio, Ranking Member Cardin, and Members of the Subcommittee:   On behalf…

March 5, 2019


Amnesty International USA’s Statement for March 6 Hearing on “Protecting Dreamers and TPS Recipients”

To view PDF click here: AIUSA Statement for House Judiciary Hearing on TPS-Dream (3-6-19) March 5, 2019 Chairman Jerrold Lewis Nadler                                 Ranking Member Doug Collins House Committee on the Judiciary                            House Committee on the Judiciary 2138 Rayburn House Office Building                        2138 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515                                          Washington, D.C. 20515   Re: Hearing on Protecting Dreamers and TPS Recipients Dear Chairman Nadler, Ranking Member Collins and Members of the Committee: On behalf of Amnesty International USA and our more…

March 5, 2019

Press Release

Iran: Release eight wildlife conservationists following unfair trial on trumped-up spying charges

Wildlife conservationists in Iran who have been accused of espionage after using cameras to track endangered species could face the death penalty or more than a decade in prison, said Amnesty International, ahead of a verdict in their case in the coming days. The eight scientists, who work with the Persian Wildlife Heritage Foundation, were arrested at the end of January 2018. They had been conducting research into Iran’s endangered animals, including the Asiatic cheetah and Persian leopard. There is evidence that they were subjected to torture and other ill-treatment including through prolonged solitary confinement in order to extract forced…

March 5, 2019


Press Release

Google Dragonfly plans further eroding users’ trust

Responding to reports by The Intercept that Google is still working on Project Dragonfly, its censored search engine for China

March 5, 2019

TOPSHOT - A woman wears a scarf on her face with the inscription "Fight Patriarchy" during a demonstration called by the #Noustoutes movement, to denounce sexist and sexual violence against women on September 29, 2018 on the Place de la Republique in Paris. (Photo by Zakaria ABDELKAFI / AFP) (Photo credit should read ZAKARIA ABDELKAFI/AFP/Getty Images)

Sheet of paper Report

Give us respect and justice! Overcoming barriers to justice for women rape survivors in Denmark

Denmark’s reputation for gender equality masks a society with one of Europe’s highest levels of rape, where flawed legislation and widespread harmful myths and gender stereotypes have resulted in endemic impunity for rapists, Amnesty International said in a report published today.  Give us respect and justice! Overcoming barriers to justice for women rape survivors in Denmark reveals that women and girls are being failed by dangerous and outdated laws and often do not report attacks through fear of not being believed, social stigma and a lack of trust in the justice system. “Despite Denmark’s image as a land of gender equality, the reality for women is starkly different, with shockingly high levels of impunity…

March 4, 2019

Press Release

Egypt: Photojournalist Shawkan released after five and a half years in prison  

Responding to the news that photojournalist Mahmoud Abou Zeid, known as Shawkan, was finally released today after spending more than five years in prison on trumped-up charges.

March 4, 2019

Press Release

Authorities in Argentina deny 11-year-old’s right to terminate forced pregnancy

Argentine authorities must be held accountable for putting at grave risk the life of an 11-year-old rape survivor carrying a forced pregnancy and divulging confidential medical information, said Amnesty International today.

March 1, 2019

Press Release

Expansion of Remain in Mexico Plan Could Put Lives at Risk

Reports indicate that the Remain in Mexico plan, also known as Migrant Protection Protocols, will soon be implemented in parts of California, New Mexico, and Texas. This plan forces asylum-seekers to stay in Mexico while their claims are reviewed. It is being implemented alongside ongoing large-scale illegal pushbacks at the border.

February 28, 2019

Hundreds of indigenous Hondurans and peasants march on August 17, 2016 in Tegucigalpa in Tegucigalpa demanding justice for the murder of indigenous environementalist Berta Caceres last July. / AFP / ORLANDO SIERRA (Photo credit should read ORLANDO SIERRA/AFP/Getty Images)

Press Release

Honduras: Authorities must bring all those suspected of responsibility for the murder of Berta Cáceres to justice

Three years after the murder of Berta Cáceres, the Honduran defender of environmental and Indigenous rights, Erika Guevara-Rosas, Americas director at Amnesty International, said:

February 28, 2019

Press Release

Israel/ OPT: Findings of UN inquiry into Gaza killings must pave way for justice over war crimes

Responding to the findings of a report published by the UN Commission of Inquiry today which states that Israeli forces may have committed war crimes during protests in Gaza last year, including by deliberately firing on Palestinian civilians, Saleh Higazi, Deputy Middle East and North Africa Director at Amnesty International said: 

February 28, 2019


Testimony for House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee Hearing “A Global Crisis: Refugees, Migrants and Asylum-Seekers”

­ To view PDF click here: Mace HFAC testimony.02.26.2019 Testimony of Ryan Mace Grassroots Advocacy & Refugee Specialist Amnesty International USA   Hearing on “A Global Crisis: Refugees, Migrants and Asylum-Seekers” Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations House Foreign Affairs Committee February 26, 2019   Chairwoman Bass, Ranking Member Smith, and Members of the Subcommittee, thank you for inviting us to this vital, and overdue, hearing on the challenges facing refugees, migrants, and asylum-seekers around the world. I am grateful for the opportunity to speak with you today.   My name is Ryan Mace, and I…

February 27, 2019

Activists Protest Chicago Police Department, Rahm Emanuel
CHICAGO, IL - DECEMBER 31: Demonstrators calling for an end to gun violence and the resignation of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel march through downtown on December 31, 2015 in Chicago, Illinois. The shooting deaths by police of a 19-year-old college student Quintonio LeGrier and his 55-year-old neighbor Bettie Jones and a recently released video showing the shooting of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald by Chicago Police officer Jason Van Dyke have sparked dozens of protests in the city. Yesterday Emanuel announced several changes that would take place in the police department with the hope of preventing future incidents. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

Press Release

Background Check Bills Present Congress with Prime Opportunity to Act on Gun Violence

The House of Representatives is set to vote on two pieces of legislation this week that would be important steps in taking meaningful action against the human rights crisis of gun violence in the United States.

February 27, 2019