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Hands touch despite bars in between

Press Release

“Hope Can’t Be Quarantined” campaign to help immigrants and asylum-seekers held in detention during the COVID-19 crisis

As a response to the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, Amnesty International USA (AIUSA) and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) have launched a new campaign entitled “Hope Can’t Be Quarantined.” The initiative encourages the public to support immigrants and asylum-seekers held in detention at this time of crisis and offers several ways to get involved. Participants can download a digital toolkit with instructions to write messages of hope to detainees, learn about immigration detention in the U.S., donate to detention visitation programs, and share their acts of support online. "As more Americans are confined to their own homes, they increasingly relate…

March 31, 2020

A prisoner shines a torch from the main ICE detention center in downtown Los Angeles

Press Release

As federal judge weighs release of children in immigration detention, COVID-19 risks grow

Responding to a temporary restraining order by Judge Dolly M. Gee of the United States District Court directing the government to make continuous efforts to release children currently being held in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) custody, Denise Bell, researcher for refugee and migrant rights at Amnesty International USA said: "We still don’t know enough about how this pandemic can affect children. But what we do know is that children should not be detained, in any circumstances, because of their immigration status. Each day that a child is detained is a day that poses…

March 29, 2020

Indians travel on a horse drawn vehicle on a deserted road as a nationwide lockdown continues
NEW DELHI, INDIA - MARCH 28: Indians travel on a horse drawn vehicle on a deserted road as a nationwide lockdown continues in an attempt to stop the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) on March 28, 2020 in New Delhi, India. India is under a 21-day lockdown to fight the spread of the virus while security personnel on the roads are enforcing the restrictions in many cases by using force, the workers of country's unorganized sector are bearing the brunt of the curfew-like situation. The lockdown has already disproportionately hurt marginalized communities due to loss of livelihood and lack of food, shelter, health, and other basic needs. The lockdown has left tens of thousands of out-of-work migrant workers stranded, with rail and bus services shut down. According to international labour organisations 90 percent of India's workforce is employed in the informal sector and most do not have access to pensions, sick leave, paid leave or any kind of insurance. The closing of state borders has caused disruption in the supply of essential goods, leading to inflation and fear of shortages. Reports on Thursday said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government is preparing a massive bailout for the underprivileged sections of the country and will hand over the aid through direct cash transfers. (Photo by Yawar Nazir/Getty Images)

Press Release

Battle Against COVID-19 in India Must Not Leave Behind the Poor and Marginalized

The three-week nation-wide lockdown to battle the COVID-19 pandemic in India have left millions of migrant workers stranded and the poor struggling to access essential services across the country. The policies and schemes that are being planned and implemented to battle the pandemic by the Government of India must alleviate and not aggravate the hardships of the poor and marginalized communities in India, said Amnesty International India. On March 24, 2020, in a televised address Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a 21-day nation-wide lock down, imposed under the Disaster Management Act, 2005 to prevent the further spread of COVID-19. “India…

March 28, 2020

Man walks into a hospital with a mask on his face to avoid Coronavirus
The entrance of the General Hospital of Mexico City, Mexico, on March 22, 2020 during the health crisis caused by COVID-19. (Photo by Cristian Leyva/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

Press Release

Media advisory: AIUSA to Provide Workshops on Aspects of COVID-19 and Human Rights

As COVID-19 has reached pandemic levels around the world, Amnesty International USA is piloting workshops to media on the aspects of COVID-19 and human rights. While the focus has rightfully been on individual hygiene advice, social distancing, and bolstering health care and social support systems, now, more than ever, conversation must shed light on human solidarity. This is a time when we have the opportunity to help end demonization and anger – and move forward with empathy and kindness. Amnesty International USA is ramping up response efforts to advocate for those most at risk and working to ensure that all…

March 23, 2020

Qatar Migrant Worker in orange vest
A migrant worker in Qatar stands in an orange vest

Press Release

Qatari Migrant Workers in Labor Camps at Grave Risk Amid COVID-19 Crisis

Responding to reports that parts of Qatar’s Industrial Area in Doha - home to a large number of migrant workers’ accommodation - has been put into lockdown after hundreds of construction workers became infected with COVID-19, Steve Cockburn, Amnesty International’s Deputy Director of Global Issues, said:

March 20, 2020

Amnesty International USA activists speak out against a ban and a wall against people
AIUSA Executive Director Margaret and AI Secretary General Salil Shetty delivered a letter to the Department of Homeland Security Secretary, outlining numerous personal stories of people who are affected by the Muslim ban, asking DHS to release full information about how the ban has been implemented, and demanding that DHS help roll back the ban. As a part of the protests outside, we projected “No Ban, No Wall” on the building along with photos of refugees in Lebanon and Kenya provided by Magnum Photography.

Press Release

U.S. Border Closure is Cruel, Short-sighted, and Opportunistic

Responding to the United States announcement that the country will imminently close its border with Mexico  and Canada, Charanya Krishnaswami, the Advocacy Director for the Americas at Amnesty International USA, said: "It's hard to imagine travel more essential than the journey an asylum-seeker makes to flee persecution. Yet today's restrictions, which empower the US to push back people who lack proper documentation, may inexcusably prevent asylum-seekers and unaccompanied children - two of the populations at greatest risk of danger - from accessing safety. "This is cruel, short-sighted, and opportunistic. Every person has the right to seek safety. Full stop." To schedule…

March 20, 2020

Central American migrants at the border with Mexico
Photo by Jair Cabrera Torres/picture alliance via Getty Images

Press Release

Trump Administration Using Coronavirus Pandemic to Justify Discriminatory Ban on Asylum-Seekers at Southern Border

Following reports that the Trump administration intends to issue a new rule that would allow U.S. agents to turn back all asylum-seekers entering from Mexico in light of the coronavirus pandemic, Charanya Krishnaswami, Advocacy Director for the Americas at Amnesty International USA (AIUSA) issued the below statement:

March 18, 2020

19 January 2020, Guatemala, Ceibo: Migrants are guided by the Mexican authorities through the Ceibo border crossing. Dozens of Central American migrants stranded at the Ceibo border crossing between Mexico and Guatemala were taken by the Mexican authorities to detention centers for migrants in Mexico. Photo: Jair Cabrera Torres/dpa (Photo by Jair Cabrera Torres/picture alliance via Getty Images)

Press Release

Human Rights Advocates with Medical and Legal Expertise Call on Governors, State Health Officials to Direct Reduction, Release of Immigration Detainees to Prevent Coronavirus Spread

Calling on governors and state health officials to use their authority to act in the interest of public health and protect immigration detainees, Human Rights First, Amnesty International USA and Physicians for Human Rights asked that these officials direct drastic reductions in detention occupancy and pressure the federal government to release immigration detainees being held in their states, in letters sent out today. 

March 17, 2020

MIRAFLORES, LIMA, PERU - 2019/12/07: Female demonstrators covering their eyes performing in a feminist flash mob "A Rapist in Your Path" (In Spanish "Un violador en tu camino") in protest of violence against women. The song, written by Chile feminist group Las Tesis is becoming an international feminist phenomenon. (Photo by Carlos Garcia Granthon/Fotoholica Press/LightRocket via Getty Images)

Sheet of paper Report

Countries cracked down on asylum and the right to protest in the Americas in 2019

As millions took to the streets to protest rampant violence, inequality, corruption and impunity, or were forced to flee their countries in search of safety, states across the Americas clamped down on the rights to protest and seek asylum last year with flagrant disregard for their obligations under domestic and international law, Amnesty International said today upon launching its annual report for the region. “2019 brought a renewed assault on human rights across much of the Americas, with intolerant and increasingly authoritarian leaders turning to ever-more violent tactics to stop people from protesting or seeking safety in another country. But…

February 27, 2020

MANILA, PHILIPPINES - JULY 17: Relatives of alleged extrajudicial killings wear veils as they take part in a protest versus the drug war killings outside the military and police headquarters on July 17, 2019 in Manila, Philippines. The United Nations Human Rights Council last week voted to launch an investigation into alleged crimes against humanity in President Rodrigo Duterte's controversial and bloody "war on drugs", which human rights group estimate to have killed more than 27,000 mostly poor victims. (Photo by Ezra Acayan/Getty Images)

Press Release

Free Senator de Lima and End Attacks on Rights Defenders in the Philippines

Philippine authorities should immediately release Senator Leila de Lima, who has been detained for three years, and drop the politically motivated charges against her, Amnesty International, FORUM-ASIA, and Human Rights Watch said today.

February 24, 2020

Press Release

2020 Presidential Campaigns Pressed on Immigration and Asylum Platforms During Amnesty International USA Forum in Nevada

Las Vegas, NV - On Thursday, February 20th, Amnesty International USA (AIUSA), in partnership with the Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada (PLAN) and 15 national and Nevada-based co-sponsoring organizations, held a presidential candidate forum on immigration and asylum issues in Las Vegas, Nevada. BuzzFeed News’ Hamed Aleaziz, along with refugees, Dreamers, and other people affected by our immigration system, pressed Minnesota State Senator Melisa Franzen (for Amy Klobuchar), Faiz Shakir, National Campaign Manager (for Bernie Sanders), Congressman Joaquin Castro (for Elizabeth Warren), Tom Steyer, and Nevada State Senator Yvanna Cancela (for Joe Biden) on their policy platforms ahead of Saturday’s…

February 21, 2020

Photo by Eric Thayer/Getty Images

Press Release

Provision Criminalizing Human Rights Defenders at the Border Criminalizes Humanity

As the Supreme Court of the United States prepares to hear arguments on February 25 in the case of United States v. Sineneng-Smith, on whether to strike down as unconstitutional a criminal provision, which makes it illegal to “encourage” or “induce” people to violate U.S immigration law, Amnesty International has submitted an amicus brief providing why the provision is unconstitutional. Justin Mazzola, deputy director of research at Amnesty International USA said: “At a time when this country is enforcing some of the most inhumane policies against people seeking safety, the people who are showing humanity amidst the cruelty are being unjustly…

February 18, 2020