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Iranian pro-government supporters march during a rally in support of the regime after authorities declared the end of deadly unrest, in the city of Mashhad on January 4, 2018. A total of 21 people died and hundreds were arrested in five days of unrest that began on December 28 as protests against economic grievances and quickly turned against the regime as a whole, with attacks on government buildings and police stations. / AFP PHOTO / TASNIM NEWS / NIMA NAJAFZADEH (Photo credit should read NIMA NAJAFZADEH/AFP/Getty Images)

Press Release

Iran: Stop increasingly ruthless crackdown and investigate deaths of protesters

Iranian authorities must ensure the right to peaceful protest, investigate reports that security forces have unlawfully used firearms against unarmed protesters and protect hundreds of detainees from torture and other ill-treatment, Amnesty International said today amid concerns that the crackdown against demonstrations that have spread across Iran in the past week is intensifying. 

January 4, 2018

Press Release

Ethiopia: Closure of “torture chamber” could signal new chapter for human rights

Responding to an announcement by Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn that all political prisoners will be released and a notorious detention centre closed, Fisseha Tekle, Ethiopia Researcher at Amnesty International, said:

January 3, 2018

Sheet of paper Report

Less equal: LGBTI human rights defenders in Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan

Discrimination, homophobia and Russia’s crusade against non-traditional sexual relationships have helped fuel a worrying rise in hostility towards LGBTI human rights groups in parts of the former Soviet Union said Amnesty International, in a new report today.

December 22, 2017

©Getty Images

Press Release

United Nations Sends a Global Rebuke to Trump’s Reckless Jerusalem Policy

Following the approval of a United Nations resolution condemning President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, Sherine Tadros, head of Amnesty International’s UN Office in New York, made the following statement: “The global community has sent a strong message that it will not be swayed by bullying threats into supporting President Trump’s reckless disregard for international cooperation. “This is a much larger question than where the United States chooses to place its embassy. The international community has repeatedly condemned the U.S. recognition of the illegal annexation of East Jerusalem. By rejecting this consensus, the United States is…

December 21, 2017

Press Release

Amnesty International appoints Kumi Naidoo as next Secretary General

Amnesty International has appointed Kumi Naidoo as the next Secretary General of the global human rights movement. From August 2018 Kumi will succeed Salil Shetty, who served two terms as Secretary General from 2010. 

December 21, 2017


Sheet of paper Report

Somalia: Refugees pressured to leave Dadaab return to insecurity, drought and hunger

Thousands of Somali refugees who were pressured into leaving the Dadaab camp in Kenya are now facing drought, starvation and renewed displacement in Somalia, Amnesty International said today. 

December 20, 2017

Press Release

President Trump Threatens to Withhold Aid Over UN Jerusalem Vote

In response to reports that President Trump has threatened to withhold aid to countries if they vote for a resolution condemning the U.S. decision recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, Raed Jarrar, advocacy and government relations director for the Middle East at Amnesty International USA, made the following statement:

December 20, 2017

An Iraqi man and a girl fleeing the Islamic State (IS) group controlled Rashidiyah neighbourhood arrive to the Arabi neighbourhood north of Mosul on January 22, 2017 as a military operation against the jihadists continues. Iraqi forces retook two areas from the Islamic State group in Mosul, sealing their control of the east bank three months into an offensive to reclaim the city. / AFP / AHMAD AL-RUBAYE (Photo credit should read AHMAD AL-RUBAYE/AFP/Getty Images)

Press Release

Iraq: New reports place Mosul civilian death toll at more than ten times official estimates

Responding to reports made by the Associated Press that between 9000 to 11,000 civilians have been killed in the battle for Mosul, Lynn Maalouf, Head of Research for Amnesty International in the Middle East said: 

December 20, 2017

Rohingya refugees from Myanmar's Rakhine state arrive near the Khanchon border crossing near the Bangaldeshi town of Teknaf on Septebmer 5, 2017. Nearly 125,000 mostly Rohingya refugees have entered Bangladesh since a fresh upsurge of violence in Myanmar on August 25, the United Nations said September 5, as fears grow of a humanitarian crisis in the overstretched camps. The UN said 123,600 had crossed the border in the past 11 days from Myanmar's violence-wracked Rakhine state. / AFP PHOTO / K M Asad (Photo credit should read K M ASAD/AFP/Getty Images)

Press Release

Myanmar: ‘Outrageous’ denial of access to top UN official

Reacting to the news that the Myanmar authorities have denied access to UN Special Rapporteur Yanghee Lee, James Gomez, Amnesty International’s Director for Southeast Asia and the Pacific, said the following

December 20, 2017

Press Release

Mexico: Amnesty International chief slams interior security law and calls on Mexican president to veto it

Amnesty International’s Secretary General, Salil Shetty, today directed an open letter to Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto, calling on the leader to veto the Law on Interior Security that passed Mexico's Congress on Friday.

December 18, 2017

Press Release

Revoking Net Neutrality Violates Freedom of Expression

Today the Federal Communications Commission voted to remove the current regulations on network neutrality. Internet service providers (ISPs) can now restrict, block or give preferential access to different internet traffic, allow users access to only some online services for free, and give preferential treatment to certain traffic in return for payment.

December 14, 2017

Press Release

Gulf crisis: Six months on, families still bearing brunt of Qatar political dispute

The lives of thousands of Gulf residents remain in turmoil as a consequence of the ongoing political dispute in the region, said Amnesty International, more than six months after the crisis began. 

December 14, 2017