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Press Release

Amnesty International welcomes release of Dr. Homa Hoodfar from prison in Iran

Amnesty International Canada welcomes the release of Dr. Homa Hoodfar from Iranian prison after more than three and a half…

September 27, 2016

Press Release

Landmark ICC verdict against Al-Mahdi must be first step to broader justice in Mali conflict

Today’s International Criminal Court (ICC) conviction of Ahmad Al Faqi Al-Mahdi, a senior member of the Ansar Eddine armed group,…

September 27, 2016

Press Release

Colombia: Historic peace deal must ensure justice and an end to human rights abuses

The success of an historic peace deal between the Colombian government and the country’s largest guerilla group, which was officially…

September 27, 2016

Press Release

Pakistan: Stop execution of death row prisoner with mental disability

Pakistan’s authorities must not execute Imdad Ali, a death row prisoner with a history of mental illness, Amnesty International said…

September 26, 2016

Press Release

Killing of Jordanian journalist a deplorable attack on freedom of expression

The shooting to death of a prominent journalist outside a court in Amman yesterday is an alarming attack on freedom…

September 26, 2016

Press Release

Chelsea Manning Punishment for Suicide Attempt is Cruel and Inhumane

A prison disciplinary board has sentenced Chelsea Manning, who is currently serving a 35-year sentence at the United States Penitentiary…

September 23, 2016

Press Release

Azerbaijan: Assaults on freedom of expression mar constitutional referendum

Threats, arrests and prosecutions of those who have voiced criticism of the proposed amendments to the Constitution have been a…

September 23, 2016

Press Release

Sudan: No Justice for Protester Killings

UN Should Press Sudan to Investigate, Prosecute Those Responsible Sudanese authorities have yet to provide justice to victims of a…

September 22, 2016

Press Release

Bahrain: Dissolution of main opposition party is flagrant attack on freedom of expression and association

In response to a Bahraini court’s decision today to uphold the dissolution of the country’s main opposition political group, Al-Wefaq,…

September 22, 2016

Press Release

Saudi Arms Deal Must Be Halted After Failed Senate Vote

A resolution to block the latest arms sale to Saudi Arabia by the Obama administration failed in the Senate today.

September 21, 2016

Press Release

DRC: Authorities must not fan the flames of unrest with violence

The authorities in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) must show restraint in their handling of protests to ensure that…

September 21, 2016

Press Release

India: Kashmiri human rights activist re-arrested

Kashmiri human rights activist Khurram Parvez has been detained a second time, after a court ordered his release from administrative…

September 21, 2016