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Press Release

Nigeria: Special police squad get rich torturing detainees and demanding bribes in exchange for freedom

A Nigerian police unit set up to combat violent crime has instead been systematically torturing detainees in its custody as…

September 20, 2016

Press Release

Syria: Horrific attack on UN aid convoy is a flagrant violation of international law

Last night’s attack on a UN/Syrian Arab Red Crescent aid convoy, intended for 78,000 people in Aleppo, is a flagrant…

September 20, 2016

Press Release

Greece: Statement from Amnesty research staff at site of refugee camp fire

An Amnesty International research team has arrived at the Moria refugees camp on Lesvos following yesterday’s fire that necessitated the…

September 20, 2016

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Calls for Concrete Action on Refugee Crisis

In response to today’s adoption of the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants at the UN Summit for Refugees…

September 19, 2016

Press Release

Yemen: Evidence indicates US-made bomb was used in attack on MSF hospital

Yemen: Evidence indicates US-made bomb was used in attack on MSF hospital Contact: Nidya Sarria, [email protected] States – including the…

September 19, 2016

Press Release

Egypt: Asset freeze is a shameless ploy to silence human rights activism

The Zeinhom Criminal Court’s decision today to freeze the personal and organizational bank accounts of a group of leading and…

September 17, 2016

Press Release

Syria-Jordan border: 75,000 refugees trapped in desert no man’s land in dire conditions

Video footage and satellite images showing makeshift grave sites and burial mounds offer a rare glimpse inside a desert no…

September 14, 2016

Press Release

Leaving Edward Snowden in limbo will be a stain on President Obama’s legacy

U.S. President Barack Obama should place himself on the right side of history by pardoning whistleblower Edward Snowden, who faces…

September 14, 2016

Press Release

Coalition of NGO and Diaspora Groups Support Ethiopia Human Rights Resolution

The undersigned civil society organizations applaud U.S. Representatives Chris Smith, Keith Ellison and Mike Coffman for introducing House Resolution 861,…

September 13, 2016

Press Release

DRC: Chilling crackdown on dissent amidst election delays

The authorities in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have overseen a systematic crackdown on opponents of President Joseph Kabila’s…

September 13, 2016

Press Release

Amnesty International USA Urges President Obama to Grant Clemency to Leonard Peltier With New Advocacy Video

To mark his 72nd birthday today, Amnesty International USA (AIUSA) released a new video urging President Obama to grant clemency…

September 12, 2016

Press Release

India: Global standards on police use of force violated in Kashmir

Security forces are using arbitrary and excessive force in response to protests in Jammu and Kashmir, violating international standards and…

September 12, 2016