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Press Release

Allow Ethiopian opposition politician to obtain treatment abroad for torture-sustained injuries

The Ethiopian authorities must allow an opposition politician who is now unconscious due to injuries sustained in torture and other…

June 30, 2016

Press Release

Boko Haram attack brings total killed to nearly 500 in a year in Cameroon

At least 480 civilians have been killed since Boko Haram has significantly increased its attacks in Cameroon and begun deliberately…

June 30, 2016

Press Release

Police must be held accountable for death in custody in Malaysia

The Malaysian authorities’ failure to hold anyone accountable for the death in custody of N. Dharmendran raises serious questions about…

June 29, 2016

Press Release

Refugees and migrants fleeing sexual violence, abuse and exploitation in Libya

Horrifying accounts of sexual violence, killings, torture and religious persecution collected by Amnesty International reveal the shocking range of abuses…

June 29, 2016

Press Release

CIA rendition victims challenge Romania and Lithuania at Europe’s human rights court

Hearings being held today at the European Court of Human Rights in two crucial cases against Romania and Lithuania for…

June 28, 2016

Press Release

Detained newspaper owner and staff must be immediately and unconditionally released in Zambia

Authorities must immediately and unconditionally release the owner of The Post newspaper, Fred M’membe, his wife Mutinta M’membe and the…

June 28, 2016

Press Release

Journalists risk imprisonment for running smartphone app training in Morocco

Tomorrow’s trial of seven journalists and activists in Morocco for training citizen journalists could set a dangerous precedent for restricting…

June 28, 2016

Press Release

Suspend Saudi Arabia from UN Human Rights Council

Saudi Arabia has committed “gross and systematic violations of human rights” abroad and at home, and used its position on…

June 27, 2016

Press Release

Mexico: Sexual violence routinely used as torture to secure confessions from women

An unprecedented Amnesty International investigation of 100 women arrested in Mexico reveals that they are routinely sexually abused by the…

June 27, 2016

Press Release

Three Amigos Summit: Human rights must be at the core of the North American agenda

Human rights must be a top priority during the North American Leaders’ Summit in Ottawa, said Amnesty International in an…

June 27, 2016

Press Release

Colombia: Agreement on a bilateral ceasefire and cessation of hostilities is an historic step forward

The agreement on a definitive bilateral ceasefire and cessation of hostilities, signed today in Cuba by the Colombian government and…

June 26, 2016

Press Release

Eritrea: Immediately and unconditionally release prisoners of conscience

The Eritrean foreign minister’s confirmation that all politicians and journalists arbitrarily arrested in 2001 are alive is welcome news but…

June 26, 2016