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Sheet of paper Report

Jamaica urged to bring to justice those guilty of gang operation killings

The Jamaican authorities must bring to justice those responsible for human rights violations, including the killing of 74 people in Kingston during a state of emergency imposed one year ago in an operation to arrest a suspected gang leader, Amnesty International today said in a new report. Despite some positive steps, the authorities have failed to prosecute anyone for the killings during the operation to arrest Christopher Coke, who was eventually deported to the USA to face drug and arms-trafficking charges.  â€śAn independent commission of inquiry must be established in order to ensure that all human rights violations committed in Tivoli…

May 20, 2011

Sheet of paper Report

Annual Report: Jamaica 2010

Head of state Queen Elizabeth II, represented by Kenneth Hall Head of government Bruce Golding Death penalty retentionist Population 2.7 million Life expectancy 71.7 years Under-5 mortality (m/f) 28/28 per 1,000 Adult literacy 86 per cent Hundreds of people in inner-city communities were the victims of gang murders or police killings. Sexual violence against women and girls was widespread. There were reports of discrimination against lesbian and gay people. Two people were sentenced to death; there were no executions. Background The public security situation remained critical. Gang violence in marginalized inner-city communities reportedly resulted in 1,198 deaths between January and…

March 19, 2011